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Back into training, it had been so many weeks, and slowly he was finding his bearing. The place had got more busy than usual due to new starters, this did make him feel slightly uneasy as he caught a few looking over at him. Focusing on his breathing technique to blank out what was going on in the room around him, he felt a tap on his arm, he turned to face the small crowd of new starters looking at him in awe.

Yamcha laughed nudging his arm "Looks like you got a lil fan base going." he walked off leaving Vegeta to stare back at the crowd.

"how are you doing? we seen on the news about you being in a coma, didn't think you'd make it." one of them chirped up as they all started to crowd him.

Vegeta gulped trying to take a step back from them, he didn't want to be reminded of that day; he sighed in relief as Goku stepped in breaking up the crowd. He glanced at Vegeta with look of concern before looking back at the crowd having them all split up with a sparring partner. Vegeta felt uneasy, flash backs of being in a coma, reminding him of the darkness; voices became muffled as he stared blankly at the wall ahead. He felt a tap on his shoulder that startled him.

"Want to sit out for a few minutes?" Goku wrapped his arm around Vegeta guiding him to the bench.

"tch, I'm fine." Vegeta pushed Goku's arm off him and walked to get himself a drink of water, before heading back into his training.

Goku stood watching for few minutes, he couldn't help but smile seeing the determination on his boyfriends face, occasional glances were made between them. He headed back to the office, occasionally checking up on Vegeta ensuring people left him alone; he knew Vegeta didn't like to discuss the tournament incident. After few hours of hard training Vegeta waited for Goku in the car, unaware that Goku had seen Gohan and started approaching towards him.

"You going to keep ignoring me?" Goku asked as he was stood behind Gohan.

Gohan spun on his heel and faced Goku. "Don't you have your boyfriend to look after?"

"I can't believe you, what you done. You are sick!" He seethed shaking his head at Gohan.

"Oh shut the fuck up, he's okay isn't he?" Gohan shoved Goku back, he turned to walk off again but felt himself being pulled back.

"Just tell me why you did it?!" Goku spun Gohan to face him.

"Will you just fuck off?!" Gohan snarled glaring.

Vegeta looked over seeing the commotion going on, he quickly climbed out the car and rushed towards them.

"I done so much for you, you are a selfish prick!" Goku yelled as he shoved Gohan in anger.

"Fuck off!" Gohan threw in a punch, his eyes widened seeing the anger on Goku's face.

"Who do you think you are, huh?!" Goku sneered as he gripped Gohan by his top. "Did you enjoy watching me go through that pain?! The thought of losing someone, so funny to you?!" He pushed Gohan back, and punched Gohan in the wall of his stomach.

"I didn't say nor think it was funny!" Gohan spat, he punched Goku in the face who was quickly distracted seeing Vegeta running up to them. "I think you are being over dramatic about it all!" He dodged another hit from Goku. "Such a dickhead!" He was thrown back against the wall, he shoved Goku off him and spat in his face. "All you fucking care about is who's sucking your fucking dick!" He punched Goku in the chest.

"You fucking bastard!" Goku ignored Vegeta's pleas to calm down, he punched Gohan back, he growled as Gohan managed to block and shove Goku back.

"I don't want to fight you!" Gohan snapped, he was shoved backwards and punched in the mouth. He felt blood pooling in his mouth leaving copper taste in his mouth and spat it out, he glared up at Goku and was about lunge forward; he was stopped as Vegeta stepped in his way.Gohan pushed Vegeta out the way that caused him to fall backwards losing his balance and landed on the floor. Gohan froze realising what he done, he watched the panic set on Goku's face as he immediately helped Vegeta back on his feet. Goku glared over at Gohan who started to walk away towards his car, he didn't want to fight him for he saw him as a brother.

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