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The following day was slightly awkward, as others could tell how desperate Vegeta was trying to get Goku's attention. He done his best to ignore the sly glances as he started to practice on the punch bag.After an hour session, Vegeta sluggishly got himself changed ready to head home. He noticed Goku was packing up, he pretended to look busy as group of people walked past. He was hoping to catch up with Goku, not sure what he was going to say as such but he was desperate to find out more about him. He grabbed his bag and watched as Goku walked into the office, he let out a sigh, now is his chance. He followed Goku into the office, he fought back his nervousness as he let out an abrupt cough. Goku turned on his heel facing Vegeta, he smiled that made Vegeta feel weak. He took deep breath to compose himself.

"I was just wondering-" Vegeta cleared his throat, he felt so anxious. "If you fancy going for a few drinks?"

Goku rubbed back of his neck as he looked at the time before looking back at Vegeta. "Sure. Just let me sort my stuff out, okay?" He smiled over at Vegeta again before heading out the office, leaving Vegeta stood there with a complacent look. Vegeta felt his heart beating at an unsteady rate, why was his nerves kicking in? he had to fight back his smile, he didn't expect Goku to agree. He quickly composed himself as Goku entered the office carrying his coat over his shoulder. "Got anywhere in mind?" Goku asked as he opened the door allowing Vegeta to walk out first. 

Vegeta felt himself panic, he hadn't thought that far ahead. In fact, he didn't even think Goku would agree. He leaned against the wall awaiting for Goku to lock up the office, Goku looked at Vegeta with an inquisitive expression as he hadn't had a response to his question. Vegeta shrugged. "Well wherever you fancy I suppose." he wanted to face palm himself so hard as Goku raised a brow at him with a placid look.

"Charming." Goku grinned shaking his head. "alright, I know a place it's just opposite from here." Goku started to walk ahead, he looked over his shoulder awaiting for Vegeta to follow him. As they walked side by side towards the local pub Goku smiled over at Vegeta which caused Vegeta to blush. "So, you been living here long?" 

"just shy of two months." Vegeta quirked a brow as they approached outside a pub, Goku opened the door for him to walk in first. Vegeta folded his arms. "You first." he smirked seeing Goku give him a surprised look, he was starting to feel more comfortable to point he wasn't afraid to show his attitude. Goku walked past giving him a look before walking in ahead of him. They both sat by small table tucked away at the back of the room, obnoxious music travelled throughout, there was musty scent and smells from stale beer around them. Vegeta was now regretting not picking where to go, he should of had this all planned out in advance. There he was sat with his arms crossed, leg rested on his knee taking in his surroundings.

 Goku grinned, he could tell Vegeta wasn't used to this kind of scenery. "So, how come you wanted to have a few drinks then?" Goku raised a brow as he walked back handing him a pint. 

Vegeta smirked before taking a sip of his drink. "thats for me to know, and for you to find out."

Goku smirked back as he started to drink from his pint, their eyes focused on each others. five pints later and Vegeta found himself staring at Goku in admiration, he had no idea what Goku was even talking about; he was so fixated on those dark pools of onyx eyes. Goku could see Vegeta's vacant expression, he looked at the empty glasses realising how much they drank between them, oh they were going to have a migraine. He checked his watch before glancing back at Vegeta who was gawking at him. "Suppose we best start heading home, do you live far from here?" Goku raised a brow as Vegeta's eyes widened he lived just over half hour away, and as it was past midnight he knew Bulma wouldn't offer him a lift back. 

"shit. that's going to be an expensive taxi bill." Vegeta rolled his eyes as he started to look up local taxi near him on his phone. Goku placed his hand on top of the phone, Vegeta glanced up seeing Goku smile at him.

"save your money, you can crash out at mine, I'm sure my house mate won't mind." Goku rose to his feet tilting his head to the side to coax Vegeta to follow him. Seeing the uncertainty on Vegeta's face Goku gave him a reassuring smile. "It's up to you, but I know how expensive the taxi fares are, besides you can join us for breakfast at the cafe later." 

Vegeta bit his lip, he nodded as his cheeks changed crimson. "Alright, I'll take you up on your offer." 


quietly entering into the apartment to not awaken the house mate, Vegeta's eye's widened how large and spacious the place was. It looked that of a showroom, everything so immaculate, nothing looked out of place. The window ahead overlooked the city, bright lights of orange, whites and blues shone throughout creating an abstract. Vegeta spun on his heel to face Goku, "do you guys even live here?" Vegeta gave a deadpan expression baffled just how clean the place looked.

"My housemate is a bit of a clean freak." Goku shrugged, he raised a brow as Vegeta gawked at him again. They both paused, keeping their glance on one another. Next thing they knew they lunged forward arms wrapped around each other, kissing passionately, not breaking the kiss Goku guided them to his room. 

Vegeta trailed his hands up Goku's shirt, tracing his fingers over his abs, breaking from their kiss as Goku threw shirt off pulling Vegeta into the bed with him. Vegeta felt as though his breath was being taken away from him as their kiss deepened. Their kiss broke again as Goku helped take Vegeta's top off, they froze observing their bodies before staring deeply into each others eyes. As Vegeta leaned in for another kiss, Goku held him still, Vegeta raised a brow. "Why have you stopped?" He looked doleful as Goku quickly climbed out of bed to put his shirt back on. "what the fuck?" Vegeta raised his brow in disgust, he wasn't sure if he had done something wrong.

"I can't, it wouldn't be fair, I'd rather get to know you better." Goku gave Vegeta a half hearten smile. "you can sleep on my bed." Goku pulled out a spare top from his chest drawer he passed it to Vegeta. 

"Oh fuck no! you were fine just a minute ago, who cares if we don't know each other well?" Vegeta folded his arms glaring.

Goku sighed shaking his head. "I'll see you later." He left the room closing the bedroom door behind him.

Vegeta threw himself back onto the bed, he grunted in annoyance relaying what just happened, had he done something? he sighed as he threw on the spare top Goku gave him, he curled into a ball with a pout, he felt so embarrassed, confused, and annoyed with himself.

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