No father

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Leaning over the balcony watching commuters heading towards work, there was a slight nip in the air, dark grey clouds hovered above threatening to burst. Soon as shops were opening, people were rushing in for their last minute shop. He never understood why people would put themselves through such stress for one day, perhaps because he never truly celebrated Christmas since the loss of his mother. He was an adult, so there was no real point to make a big fuss in his eyes; usually he'd spent it with Bulma and her family for his father also showed no real interest. When his mother passed away, he found out how much his mother had done for the family; it was always her making the effort. She always put on a smile, ensuring Vegeta's needs were always met. He heard an annoying repetive ringtone in his pocket, he scrunched his face up in annoyance with it; not recalling if he ever did use that ringtone. He then widened his eyes as he seen it was his dad who was calling him. This was a very rare occurence, usually it would be to ask when his birthday was again. Something else he learned,it was his mother who put on the effort for birthdays too so his father had no real purpose to remember. He quickly answered, he paused for he was unsure what to say.

"Hey son, I'm in the city for business trip, though we could meet up?" His father chirped up after a few long seconds of silence.

"Or you could come over mine? I live in the centre." Vegeta looked down at the busy street below him.

"Drop me message with address." His dad said so abruptly before hanging up on him.

Vegeta felt his mouth going dry, bile raised to his throat as he text his father his new home address.

Goku popped his head out the french doors as he zipped his coat up."Who was on the phone?"

"My father." Vegeta stared at his phone awaiting for a response.

"Oh, you've only been out of hospital for two months, but it's a start I suppose." Goku said in a satire way, he was still so bitter that Vegeta's father had not once visited him when he was in a coma.

"I know." Vegeta sighed glancing over at Goku. "maybe he wants to make more an effort with me though?"

"Hm. I hope so." Goku planted a kiss on Vegeta's head. "I'm off to work, call me if you need anything." He cupped his hand under Vegeta's chin looking deep in his eyes. "even if it's for hot chocolate." He smiled and kissed Vegeta tenderly on the lips.

Vegeta spent the whole day focusing on the clock whilst sitting nervously awaiting for his father to visit. His father hadn't replied to his text, Vegeta sighed he wasn't sure why he was getting his hopes up. He glanced at the window seeing the night winter sky quilting the streets below, bright illuminating lights from the buildings shone brightly blanketing the streets in rich silver and white colours. He found it so tranquil staring out in the distance as the lights mapped out the city, it was beautiful, like a still oil painting, occasional light flicker in the distance as though mimicking the stars spread across the noir sky. His fixation was broken as he heard the bell ring, he quickly rushed towards the door, like he done as a kid whenever his dad returned home from work. He knew his dad wasn't ever going to look excited to see him, yet he still rushed to see him every time in some hope his father may surprise him.

Vegeta's father stepped in ignoring the nervous look on his sons face as he stood so awkwardly expecting that embrace that never came."Nice Place you got here." he looks around sees a picture of Vegeta and Goku on the wall.  "Live here alone?" he faced his son.

Bound to you.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang