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Getting flustered on what to wear as he had been invited to meal out with Goku. He never usually behaved like this, he was usually confident on what he was wearing. He whined staring at himself in the bathroom mirror as his nervous fingers had messed up buttoning his shirt. Bulma giggled at him.

"Here let me help you." She pulled at Vegeta to make him turn and face her. She sighed looking at how squint the shirt was. "What are you like?" She shook her head as she proceeded to unbutton his shirt, she raised her brows as she caught a glimpsed of his well toned body. "Shame you are gay."

Vegeta smirked watching as Bulma took her time to button his shirt up. "Do you always gawk at men?"

"Mm." She stood back, tapping her finger on side of her mouth as she looked up to the side;in a joking manner. "You don't?"

Vegeta chuckled placing a kiss on her forehead. "Not as much as you."

"I beg to differ." She winked as he adjusted his collar.

"Well." He sighed looking at himself in the mirror. "I don't have time to faff about, this'll have to do."

"He's already seen you unclothed, the fact he's invited you on this date says that he was impressed what what he seen." Bulma covered her mouth to hold back a laugh as Vegeta blushed looking away from her.

"Just give me a lift to the place."  Vegeta sighed, he knew after the date he'd be asked over a hundred questions afterwards. As much as he loved the friendship he had, it was rather annoying on times especially as he tries to take in what's going on; whilst ensuring to take mental note of facial reactions and what was said. Bulma had to know as if she was there, she'd ask about the body language, the tone of the voice and what was said exactly. So she could picture it in her head, and judge by that how it went. Honestly she was pretty good at judging if Vegeta's previous dates had gone well or not when he wasn't sure.

They arrived outside large fancy restaurant, Bulma quirked a brow at it. "That's not cheap place, the fact he's booked here and paying, yup you've definitely left a good impression in the bedroom." She winked at Vegeta as he pinched the bridge of his nose and quickly climbed out the car.

He turned to see Goku stood by the entrance waiting for him. His heart fluttered as he studied Goku wearing black trousers and a plain white shirt. The corners of his lips curled in delight at such sight, he ignored Bulma calling out  for him to behave in a teasing manner. Vegeta's cheeks heated up feeling Goku slip his hand to entwine with his, walking hand in hand into the restaurant. It was lively with cacophony of people talking, dishes clanking and subtle slow music playing in low bass. Warmth hit them as the stepped in closer, aromas of fresh cooked dishes, warming mixed spice scents.  They were seated by window with a candle light flickering between them. Smile shared between them, lost in the dark pool of onyx eyes. Vegeta could feel his stomach fluttering, as his heart beat hard just at the sight of the man sat opposite him.

"So, why did you move here?" Goku asked curiously as drinks were poured into glasses from a waiter.

Vegeta cleared his throat slightly to compose himself from his nervousness. "Bulma nagged me long enough, so here I am." He shrugged taking a sip of his drink.

"Ah yeah I can just guess how much she had nagged you." Goku chuckled to himself. "How you finding it here?"

"It's alright." Vegeta shrugged again, taking another sip as he mentally cussed at himself for being so abrupt.

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