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Looking out the hospital window, focusing on the sky that looked very ominous with it's dark clouds forming in the distance. He let out a short sigh, he was getting sick of seeing the same mundane walls, at least the temperamental weather outside provided him something different to look at each day. A hand rested on his shoulder and a kiss planted on his cheek, he smiled looking back at the one person who made him feel whole. He let out a short grunt as he felt Goku help prompt him up more on the bed.

"You need to try and sit up straight, you know what the doctors have said." He said in a soothing tone. He offered to feed Vegeta his food, and chuckled as Vegeta pulled a face at him. The doctors advised he'd need some help, however Vegeta was determined to try and do stuff on his own; despite being told to take his time with his recovery.

"I can feed myself." Vegeta huffed as Goku kept the fork with food by his mouth.

Goku smiled at him. "Alright." he handed the fork to Vegeta, he watched as Vegeta took his time and slowly managed to place the food in his mouth. "I know you are frustrated, you are making progress, I don't see you staying here for much longer." He said with encouragement as he seen Vegeta stare at the plate of food with a sigh.

"I'm full." Vegeta dropped the fork on top of the plate, his muscles so exhausted and worn, it was just too much effort for him.

"Try and eat some more." he sat on the bed next to Vegeta as they both stared at the table over the bed with plate of food. He held onto Vegeta's hand, something he started doing since Vegeta woke up as he felt reassured each time Vegeta would entwine his fingers with his. Their moment was disturbed as Vegeta's father had walked in casually looking over at them both with a forced sincere look.

Vegeta scrunched his face up with a perplexed expression, he hadn't seen him in a while. "dad?"

"how are you?" he approached the pair on the hospital bed.

Goku furrowed his brows, he climbed off the bed and gave Vegeta's dad a stern look. "I'm sorry, where were you?"

 "excuse me?!" he glared at Goku for asking such a question, whilst Vegeta frowned and looked away.

 "I've been here, every single day, not once have I seen you visit." Goku folded his arms whilst returning the glare.

 "who are you?" Vegeta's dad scoffed.

Goku shook his head as he smiled at him. "see, you'd know that if you actually visited your son, in fact, when was the last time you have even spoken to him?"

"you have some nerve to speak to me like that when I am here visiting my son!" He snarled as he looked over at Vegeta who was now looking over in disgust.

 "and you have some nerve speaking to my boyfriend like that!" Vegeta chided at his father.

"you heard the way he just spoke to me." he pointed at Goku whilst looking over at his son raising his brows.

 "he's right, where the fuck were you then?!" Vegeta spat as he leaned forward glaring at his dad, not once had his dad even contacted him since he moved.

"it's not like you would know anyway." he shrugged.

"he's been out the coma for two weeks now! You've only now visited!" Goku snarled whilst holding onto Vegeta's hand, he was tired, and so frustrated that this man had not once bothered to visit his own son till now. 

"who do you think you are?" he scoffed,watching Goku let go of his sons hand and step towards him.

 "someone who actually cares about your son!" Goku was now stood in front of Vegeta's father who tried to intimidate him to no avail. Goku had dealt with people like this in the past, so this didn't bother him one bit.

seeing Goku stood there keeping his glare on him, he looked towards Vegeta who too had the same glare. "son?" he expected his son to defend him, he furrowed his brows as he seen Vegeta shake his head at him.

"Just fuck off!" Vegeta folded his arms, he kept glaring at his father.

staring at his son, his mouth gaped in shock of what he just heard. "what?!" he asked in hope Vegeta would apologise for such abruptness.

Goku leaned into him with a stern expression "You heard him perfectly clear." 

"you allowing this piece of shit to speak to me like that?" He shoved Goku back staring at Vegeta who was now looking out the window tight lipped "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Vegeta watched rain started to hit fiercely against the window, he looked at his father with no expression on his face. "leave." he said so abruptly before looking back at the rain tapping hard against the glass.

"You have always been a self centred boy ever since your mother passed away!" he threw a card towards Vegeta, and shook his head in annoyance that his son refused to look at him.

Goku gripped him by his coat pulling him into his face. "Get the fuck out before I physically throw you out!" he loosened his grip, he shook his head as he watched  Vegeta's father adjust his coat  and storm out. Goku looked back at Vegeta who continued to look out the window listening to the rain, he could tell he was fighting back tears. He huffed looking at the direction Vegeta's father stormed out and proceeded to run out and grab him by his arm.
"Don't you ever speak to him like that again!" he snarled in his face pushing Vegeta's father back.

"He's my son!"

"that doesn't excuse you to speak to him like that." Goku folded his arms as he was glared at.

 "you don't know him like I know him." He chuckled as Goku furrowed his brows at him.

Goku clicked his tongue looking up at the ceiling to quickly calm himself down, before looking back at Vegeta's father. " you sure about that? You are barely around, so how would you know?"

He cackled shaking his head wiping a tear before composing himself. "enjoy kissing each others backsides, I'm off!" he exclaimed as he shoved Goku out the way and stormed down the corrider.

Goku muttered some insults under his breath, he walked back into the ward seeing Vegeta quickly wipe his tears away, he gave Goku a widened smile. Goku returned the smile, as he sat on the edge of the bed. He held onto Vegeta's hand looking deeply into those beautiful yet saddened eyes. He leaned in planting a soft delicate kiss, before resting his forehead against Vegeta's.

"He's gone now, don't let him get to you." Goku looked deeply into Vegeta's eyes before planting another kiss. He leaned back, brushing the side of Vegeta's face watching as Vegeta's face lit up.

"You know, when all I could see was darkness, your voice was what I clung on to; especially when you said you'd always be there for me.  Thank you, for sticking up for me." Vegeta smiled as he pulled Goku in for a tender kiss, his heart fluttered as he felt Goku's warm breath touch his face; soft lips collided against his reminding him he's still alive.

Their lips parted, Goku's lips hovered above Vegeta's as they paused. "I meant every word of it, I'll always be here for you. And I'm not ever going to allow anyone to talk to you like that." He smiled brushing the side of Vegeta's face as they locked lips again, he smiled in their kiss as he felt Vegeta's fingers gently slide up his torso. They missed this closeness, this bond that would leave them feeling empty if the other wasn't close by. Goku leaned back and held onto Vegeta's hands lovingly." Now, you going to try and eat a little more for me?"

Vegeta grinned. "only if it'll shut you up."

Goku laughed a little as a tear formed in his eye, oh how he missed this, he could tell Vegeta was getting better day by day.  "Good to see that hasn't changed." He let go of Vegeta's hands and passed him the fork. He kissed Vegeta on the cheek, and watched as Vegeta tried to pick up the food from the plate, he huffed in annoyance as he struggled looking up at Goku with doleful expression. Goku grabbed the fork and started to feed him, he smiled seeing the frustration and upset on Vegeta's face. "It's okay. They did say it was going to take time. You're doing so well." He planted a kiss on Vegeta's forehead, and then went back to helping Vegeta to eat whilst holding his hand for support and comfort.

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