New year

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After spending short break with Goku's family and feeling rejuvenated, Goku decided to celebrate New years at their home. Their apartment came alive with music playing, bass drumming through his chest. Bulma sat on the sofa with Chichi, whilst Goku was out talking to Yamcha, Piccolo and Krilin with drinks. Vegeta felt some guilt as he hadn't really spent much time with Bulma. He sat next to her rolling his eyes and chuckling as her and Chichi were discussing about what men they found attractive.

Bulma sighed smiling at Vegeta, Vegeta scrunched his brows at her. "what?"

"It's so good to see you like this Vegeta, it was scary few months we thought we were going to lose you. I can't stop smiling just seeing how well you look, I'm proud of you, even if your dick head of a father isnt!" She hugged Vegeta tightly.

Chichi smiled. "I'll leave you two, catch you both outside yeah?" she rose to her feet and headed out to the balcony, knowing Vegeta and Bulma hadn't really spent much time together.

"so." Bulma grinned as she scooted close to Vegeta.

Vegeta chuckled. "not this again."

"what?" she shrugged

"you want to know how Scotland went?" He raised a brow and chuckled as she grinned back at him. "it went well, his family are very accepting, and I feel our relationship is even stronger." he glanced over at Goku who was stood outside laughing and smiling, he looked back at Vegeta the pair smiled at each other.

"So, did you guys sneak in some sex in his parents then?" she winked and nudged Vegeta playfully. Vegeta sighed looking down. "oh...whats the matter?"

"I-I don't think I'm ready since the coma...I struggled even walking and things." Vegeta sighed as his cheeks went crimson.

"What makes you think you are not ready? he's not going to judge you, he adores you." Bulma said reassuringly, she then raised a brow as Vegeta pulled a face at her. "what?"

"you seriously trying to push me into having sex?..for shame." He smiled at her, he really wante that intimacy but he still feared his body may not be ready.

"not at all, I've known you long enough to tell you want it though." she winked causing him to blush.

"what are you like?" he glanced seeing Goku coaxing them both to join everyone outside. "I suppose we should join them outside then." He stood up and held out his hand helping Bulma up. They walked out, glancing at the beautiful lights outside, hearing lively pubs down the streets as crowd of people were all singing and laughing. They all leaned over the balcony watching randoms having a laugh, some already wasted which caused them all to laugh. A few drinks between them, they all climbed up to the rooftop with blankets, ready to watch fireworks. Vegeta was in awe looking at the beautiful lit up city around them, such jaw dropping scenery. He looked up at the perfect clear black sky, stars twinkling reminding him of his boyfriends beautiful eyes. He counted his blessing of just how lucky he was this year, he glanced at Bulma who was chatting away with the group. He looked back up seeing the bright silver moon, everything was just like a perfect painting. He felt a tap on his shoulder, he smiled knowing who just by the touch,  he glanced at Goku as his smile widened. His smile quickly changed to shock expression as he seen Tarble stood behind Goku. "Tarble!" He pulled his brother in for a hug, Tarble had been working hard in new york he too wasn't close to their father. 

"Sorry to hear about our dad." Tarble gave Vegeta a sad expression.

Vegeta smiled glancing at Goku. "It's okay, I've got all I need here."

Tarble glanced over seeing Bulma sat next to Chichi and Krillin, the pair locked eyes he walked over to her introducing himself to her. Bulma blushed as she introduced herself, she giggled twirling her hair as he started to talk to her.

Vegeta chuckled. "they may hook up."

Goku glanced over then back at Vegeta. "how do you know?"

"she's doing that stupid fake laugh and twirling her hair bullshit. bloody woman." He shook his head, he looked at his watch, five minutes till countdown. He tugged at Goku's hand and called out to grab everyone's attention. Goku gave him a strange look, unsure what he had planned.

"You proposing or something?" Yamcha raised his brows as Goku and Vegeta were stood facing them, the girls got their phones out ready to take pictures.

"what the fuck?!" Vegeta blushed as he grabbed the bridge of his nose as the women pouted at him as they had hoped to have a good highlight for their social media.

"then why have you grabbed our attention?" Piccolo folded his arms, everyone in silence even Goku was looking at Vegeta confused.

"Because.." he cleared his throat. "I just want to thank you all, even those who enjoyed making remarks about me dating Kakarot. I've met some amazing people, but the biggest highlight is meeting the love of my life." he paused as he smiled looking at Goku, he held Goku's hand. "You were there by my side every day, I heard your voice when I was in darkness, you gave me hope to keep fighting. You stayed by me during my recovery. When I first met you, I didn't think our relationship would grow as close as it has. I started this year barely knowing anyone, now I'm entering the new year with new friends, family, and most importantly the man who's stayed by my side...I love you so fucking much." Vegeta wiped his tears so raw in emotion for he was madly in love, Goku pulled him into embrace tears streaming down each others cheeks.Every one cheered and applauded as they wiped stray tears from their eyes. They all huddled together during count down and watched the fireworks around them. Vegeta hadn't really paid much attention as he kept making out with Goku as they all celebrated new years listening to the public singing  "auld lang syne". Vegeta's heart flutterd as Goku kept him in a strong embrace whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

They ended the night celebrating drinking champagne back inside, before everyone started to leave. Bulma and Tarble stayed around helping to clean up, they stayed in Gohan's old room that Vegeta and Goku now had set up as guest room. They all went to bed after cleaning up, Vegeta tossed and turned unable to sleep, he carefully climbed out of bed to not disturb Goku, he threw a spare blanket over him as he approached the balcony outside, a fog was seen blanketing the sky, he was lost in thought. He wished he listened when Goku told him how he wasn't ready for the tournament, for he wouldn't of usually got distracted, he sighed remembering what his father said. He smiled as hands glided down side of his body, soft feather like kisses trailed down side of his neck which aroused him.

"you okay babe?" Goku hummed in his ear.

Vegeta turned and faced Goku, the pair in their underwear, Vegeta opened his blanket allowing Goku to step in. They bother made out , their hands trailed down each others body as the blanket dropped off them. Vegeta stepped back soaking up the view of Goku's well sculpted body as the moon light hit his skin, so beautful. Vegeta bit his lip as his eyes locked into Goku's dark sparkling eyes as if they were already telling thousand ways of how much he loved him. Vegeta stepped forwards he pulled Goku in for a kiss, he paused their lips only lightly touching. "I'm ready." he whispered before their lips crashed, as they started to walk towards the bedroom.

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