Chapter 11: apologies

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Jacob: arent you gonna come in ?

He asked with no emotion and i nodded going in. It was so nice inside. He shut the door and began talking.

Jacob: if our here to ask what you did leave cause if you dont know then thats fucking sad. Your always fucking with me like grow the fuck up and stop fucking with me and my feelings cause its really nothing to play with and plus-

I sat the bear down and pressed my lips against his. He talks ALOT ! Damn. Our lips moved in sync and i didnt want to pull away. We kissed for a good 3 minutes. My hands on his hips. His arms around me neck. It was amazing. We pulled away catching our breath.

Me: im so sorry

He looked down and i lifted his chin up and wiped his tear.

Me: dont cry. Im honestly sorry. I was stupid she's the mother of my child thats the reason i said all those things i didnt mean anything.

Jacob: well you made it pretty clear that i was just a friend.

Me: but i want you to be more than that. I didnt mean any of it i like you... alot. I always have. I hated the fact that you gave me a feeling other girls couldnt in high school thats why i use to hit you. I thought it would make the feeling go away.

Jacob: crazy how it took you to fuck up to tell me how you felt

I looked up at a smiling Jacob. I pecked his lips and rested my forehead on his. This is an amazing feeling to me

Jacob: me to

Me: i said that out loud ?

Jacob: yea you kinda did

He giggled and i laughed. He's so damn cute.

Me: ohh i got you this big ass bear. So you better like it cause $97 aint cheap for a bear.

Jacob: but ion like it

Me: really ?!

Jacob: im fucking wit you

He laughed and i straight faced him. Then looked at his wet but some what dry body.

Jacob: i'll go put some clothes on

Me: you really dont have to

I laughed and he rolled his eyes going upstairs. I took this as a chance to walk around. I came across a note. It was from Rachel. I read it and recognized the name. Quan.. Not the Quan i know. Cause the Quan i know sells drugs, he doesnt date he sells. I took out my phone and dialed my nigga Quan number. Maybe it aint him.

Quan: hello

Me: wassup bruh

Quan: Chresanto nigga wassup boy

Me: nothing chillen with my baby boy

Quan: nigga you still a queer *laughing*

Me: hahahaha very funny but nahh just a queer for him

Quan: nigga you gay but what you want today ? some weed or something ?

Me: now you know i got my own 400k nigga. But you know a girl name Rachel ?

Quan: yea one of my best customers.

Me: as in you sell her the weed ?

Quan: nah i sell her cocaine

Me: aight thanks man

quan: ok

I hung up the phone and sighed. Jacob's best friend is addicted to cocaine. Maybe thats why she's so fucking crazy. And I thought i was crazy with my weed lol. I walked back over and sat down beside the big ass bear waiting for Jacob.

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