"You can't do that!" I cried, ripping my hands free and stumbling back. I tripped back into the wall behind me, my knees nearly giving out as Niall stood up. His eyes were dark and his eyebrows brought down in a deep frown.

His big body seemed even larger when he was angry. He was intimidating and it was scaring me just how worked up and pissed off he was right now.

"I can, and I will if you don't tell me yourself."

"Please Niall, don't" I begged him, reaching my arms out to him. He avoided me by pushing my arms away, denying me his comfort as he glared at me.

"Last chance." He demanded coldly, no remorse shown on his face. It hurt me even more to see that he didn't care about how upset this was making me.

"No, please."

He shook his head as I dropped to my knees, begging him not to do this as it was hurting me so immensely. He stomped out of the room as I screamed for him to stop, slamming the front door behind him.

I ran from the room and tried to chase him down, but by the time I opened the apartment door Niall was gone. I was sobbing so hard I barely recognized the familiar cry of my son's, but I had no time to comfort him yet as I turned back around and bolted to the bathroom, throwing up everything in my stomach.

My head was throbbing, stomach wrenching as I threw up again and again. My shaking hands clutched the sides of the porcelain bowl, sweat dripping down my brow. I felt dizzy, my hands clammy with moisture. Rory was still crying but it didn't matter how badly I wanted to get up and comfort him, I could feel the bile rising in my throat once more.

Situating myself on shaky knees on the cold floor, I closed my eyes and heaved the last of anything that may have possibly been in my stomach with a wince until I was choking on air.

The pain I felt in my chest however was 10 times worse than my stomach was currently feeling.

Time after time again, Niall proved to me how capable he was of ripping my heart to tiny shreds in the blink of an eye.

Niall's POV

I stormed passed the bellboy and the receptionist in an apartment across town, my fists clenched at my sides. I was so beyond angry with her, she was delusional to believe that I wouldn't find answers on my own. It was my place to know what the fuck had went down with the mother of my child and that Julien bloke. God damn, he pissed me off and I didn't even know him.

"Sir!! You can't just barge in here like this!"

I ignored the pestering woman chasing me down the narrow hall, her obnoxious heels clicking all the way along. I was surprised she hadn't tripped and fallen over already.


A body stumbled into me, knocking me off balance and sending me into the wall. Spinning around, I watched as the woman clutched onto my arm to keep from hitting the ground. With one glance downwards, I could see her ankles bent at an odd angle due to those stupid heels. I guess I spoke too soon.

Gasping, she straightened out, and I yanked on the sleeve of my jacket with a glare as I fixed the wrinkles she created with her death grip.

Catching her breath, she flicked her hair out of her eyes and wearily smoothed down the pantsuit jacket she was wearing. I could tell she was fumbling for an apology but I was too angry and hell bent on my mission to care.

Just as I turned to walk away and continue down the dimly lit hall, the woman grasped my arm once more; intentionally this time, and I had the urge to curse her out.

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