Chapter 23 (New Year's Special Pt. 2)

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^this image is awesome^

"Five minutes til the new year, bitches!" Domino announced.

"Thanks for telling us, motherfucker," you responded with a smile.

Domino smiled and gave you the middle finger. You knew it was just for humor, luckily, so you smiled and flipped them off as well.

"This is going to be so coool!" Charlie said, bouncing up and down slightly.

She had brought everyone up to some big balcony on the hotel. It was actually a beautiful sight to see Pentagram City at night. There was also a great view of the clock tower, which was ticking second-by-second to the new year.

Angel and Cherri were looking over the edge of the balcony, tossing potato chips to the people walking below. Even after repeatedly being told to stop, they both continued, followed by a death threat from Vaggie, to which they responded with throwing more potato chips at demons on the street.

Charlie cleared her throat to get everyone's attention before beginning a speech.

"In 3 minutes, we will be in a whole new year. Before I get started, I really want to thank my mom and dad for coming to our party. I love you guys so much!" Charlie said, giving her parents a quick hug before continuing with her speech. "We've all had a wonderful year. The hotel is up and running, we have two wonderful patients, and lots of help. I'd like to thank (Y/n) and Domino for volunteering their time here. You've been a great help! I'd also like to thank Alastor for helping us. After all, he's the Radio Demon, and he's still taking time to help us!! Isn't that awesome? I'd also like to thank Husk and Niffty for helping. Without all of you helping, I have no idea what situation the hotel would be in. Thank you to Angel Dust and Kobe for staying here and giving us all a chance," Charlie paused for a moment before continuing, "This year has been a bit chaotic as well. Turf wars, a fight with a news reporter, and a few more mishaps. But, we've gotten through it, and there's a great year ahead!! I really hope that we can stop this next extermination and get demons into heaven. If we can do that, we can do anything. conclusion...thank you all for supporting the hotel! I hope we all find happiness, luck, redemption, and maybe even a li'l bit of love!" She glanced at you and someone behind you, then at Kobe and Domino.

You made an attempt at casually turning around and glancing behind yourself, and not-too-surprisingly, there was Alastor. Did Charlie look at him? You and Alastor exchanged a glance before you turned back around to look at Charlie.

"I hope you have a happy new year, and an eternity more!" Charlie said before looking at the clock tower. She then started counting down with the rest of the demons.











"Happy New Year!!"

Husk had countered that with, "Fuck the new year," before drinking more alcohol, and shoving Angel away, who was trying to kiss him.

Charlie shot some fireworks into the sky before kissing Vaggie (which was a really adorable thing to see), and you were surprised when you felt someone pat you on your head, and you looked to see Alastor giving you a cute smile. You smiled back before getting distracted by Charlie squealing. You looked at her, and she was staring at two demons very excitedly.

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