Chapter sixteen

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(literally the most accurate thing ever)

(Also, experimenting with things my english teacher taught me, tell me if you like this writing style better than my old one :P)

You let out a sigh as you felt the warm shower water relaxing you. You had woken up this morning with a headache and absolute confusion as to what the hell happened to you. You couldn't remember anything. You really hoped that you hadn't been drugged shuddered at the thought of what could've happened last night. 

{Tiny Timy Skippy}

You walked out of the bathroom after you showered, refreshed and relieved of your headache. You had gotten dressed in (preferred clothes). As you headed towards the kitchen for some cereal, you stopped in the hallway. There was a strong smell of bacon and pancakes. Normally you would welcome the scent, but now it was only making you nervous. Who was in your house? You rubbed your eyes, straining to remember the events of the previous night. 

All you could remember was the bar, Alastor's wide smile and shining red eyes, and a drink. Then all you could remember was blackness, up to when you woke up. Was Alastor here? You cautiously walked down the hallway, anticipating either Alastor or a random demon to be in your kitchen. You peeked around the corner, and sure enough, there was Alastor. He was standing on front of the stove, flipping a pancake while the bacon sizzled on another pan.

"Ummm...hello," you said, rubbing your head. 

"Good morning, my dear!" Alastor replied. 

"I have one little question for you," you told him. 

"Yes?" he responded. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" you asked. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he asked in response. 

"Should I?" you asked. You didn't do anything, right? There was a pause. "Sooo? What are you doing in my kitchen right now?" you asked him, getting impatient. 

"Cooking breakfast," Alastor responded, placing a pancake on a plate. 

"Okay, sure, but how did you get here?" you asked. 

"Well, my dear, when you got your drink last night, somebody must have put a drug in it, because in a short amount of time, you blacked out. I decided it would be best to take you home, but you were acting very strange, as if the drug was having...strange...effects on you. I stayed here to ensure you didn't harm yourself in any way," the tall demon explained. 

"How the hell did I not know you were here?" you asked him. 

"After some thought, I figured it would be safer for both of us if I stayed in your guest room and not with you," he replied simply. It took you a moment to realize that he didn't immediately go to the guest room. He actually considered staying with you, in your room. The thought brought a smile to your face.

"You could have left a note or something on my nightstand!" you said, sitting on a barstool at your kitchen island. 

"And how would you have reacted to that?" Alastor asked you.

"I dunno, but it would have saved me from panicking about a random demon being in my kitchen when I don't remember a thing from last night!" you said, placing your elbows on the counter and resting your head on your hands. Alastor turned around to face you and placed a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of you. 

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