Chapter ten

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(closest pic i could get of any card game with the hazbin gang)

You walked down the street from the Hazbin Hotel with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Niffty, Domino, Alastor, and Husk in the lead. Obviously. It was Hotel staff casino night. Why would Husk not want to be in the lead while walking to the casino? 

"So, I don't want anyone to lose too much money tonight, so how does 100 dollars sound? Don't bet more than that?" Charlie asked. "I'll bet however much I fricken want to," Husk grumbled. You shrugged. You were fine with that. But, also, you were fine with getting risky and betting more than that. 

Husk swung open the door of the Casino, greeted by a few other demons who recognized him. You were brought back to your 18th birthday with your Grandpa as he brought you to his favorite local casino. You were pretty damn excited then. Your skills had gotten great over time, almost as good as your grandpa. You sat with him and some of his other friends and drank your (soda of preference) while they had beers, talking about their pasts in wars. They seemed happy to have a young person there, as if you brought new life to the old worn felt table and clicking chips. 

You snapped back into reality as you cashed in 300 dollars in exchange for chips, giving a thank-you nod to the cashier as you glanced around the busy tables. The gang of the Hazbin hotel had spread out, and you noticed Alastor at the Texas hold'em table. Texas hold'em was one of your favorites, so you promptly walked over and took a seat. You noticed that the demon across from you was dealer, shuffling the cards as the two players to his left took care of the 'blinds'. (if you don't know these terms, I'm going to attach a video below that explains the basics.)

You picked up your cards, thinking

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You picked up your cards, thinking. A queen♥ and a six ♥. Depending on what would be dealt to the center of the table, this could end up nicely. The play went around clockwise, Alastor calling and then you calling, placing two red chips out to match the big blind. One other demon followed suit, and the last one folded. The dealer collected the chips and placed them into one stack and then dealt out 'the flop'. A king♥, a 7♠, and a 4♥. If this went how you wanted it to, you could get a flush. You waited for Alastor. He was staring at his cards, and then raised the bet to fifty. You called and the demon to the left of you folded, leaving the dealer to collect the bets into the pot and dealing 'the turn'. A 2♥. Yes! You got a flush. The player to the left of the dealer folded, the next one bet 20, and Alastor raised to 50, leaving you to call his bet. The dealer then dealt 'the river'. It was a 7♣. The player to the right of Alastor folded and Alastor, extremely confidently, bet 100. You raised it to 150, apparently intimidating the dealer as he folded. Alastor called and you showed your cards with him. "Flush, hearts," you told him. "Four of a kind," he told you proudly, showing the two sevens in his hand. You ran the hierarchy of hands through your mind. Four of a kind was two above a flush. "Shit," you cursed. Alastor laughed and then collected the pot, a total of 565 dollars. Well that went badly. 

{Time skip because dealing out a game of texas hold'em so i can write a story while also manipulating it to write the story is a pain in the ass}

You walked to the cage (where the cashier lingo) and cashed in 475 dollars, proud of your win at the Texas hold'em table. You had beaten Alastor's ass at the last round, getting a rare royal flush while he got a full house. Another demon relied way too much on a pair of 7s, losing 125 dollars. Beginner's luck was not treating them nicely. 

You turned around with a 'thanks' to the cashier, stuffing the cash in your pocket. You kept your 300 dollars in chips. It was a strategy you had. If you make a big win, cash it in so it's not tempting to bet it. Then, you don't lose much money. You glanced around the tables. Domino was at a slot machine, teeth sharp and eyes glowing in anger as it scammed them of money again. Your eyes locked on the blackjack table, and you started walking towards it. You stopped short, almost running into a crazed demon as they ran past you. 

"I'm riiich!" they screamed, arms flailing in the air. You glanced around, twitching your ear. You noticed a buff-looking demon staring at the crazy one. That was the look of 'i'm gonna rob u'. That's why you never flaunt your winnings at a casino. The big demon walked after the lucky one and you cringed. That winning demon was not about to win that fight. 

I hope you like this chapter! It took so much effort and time. I had to get a deck of cards and literally deal out a game of Texas Holdem so I could write this chapter, while also making it so that I could write it a certain way. My gosh, I'm never gonna write a card game again, at least not after the next chapter.

This is part of my 10k reads special!! The next part should be out not long after this one was. Also these should make up for me being gone next week.

Speaking of which, my parents are allowing me to respond to comments and stuff, so if you have anything to say, I might be able to respond. Not that this matters XD but I can't update the books because my parents said it might take too much wifi or somethin like that soo yeah

Thank you for reading this, and have a wonderful day!

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