Chapter four

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You sat at your desk, laptop on and papers out while looking over the finances. The hotel was in good shape financially. You had your music playlist on, and it was currently playing a favorite, Bohemian Rhapsody. The song that 70's kids grew up with, and the song that 90's and 2000's kids grew up with, thanks to their parents. You found yourself humming to the tune of it, before completely rocking out during the solo after the "rock opera" part. You then heard a knock on the door. Alastor's knock. You spun around in your chair, eyes wide with embarrassment. He was standing in the doorway. You had left the door open and forgotten, and Alastor was standing there, and obviously saw the whole thing. He had a very entertained sparkle in his eyes. There was an awkward silence between the two of you as you stared at each other. The song continued at a low volume as you both waited for each other to speak first. Eventually you got tired of waiting and spoke up, just as Alastor did. "Sorry, go ahead," you said, trying to get him to say what he was going to. "No, you go ahead. It'd be rude of me to talk first," Alastor replied. "I was just going to say that everyone does that with this song, don't judge me," you said, an awkward tone to your voice. Your fingers tapped your leg, a nervous or socially awkward thing you always did. Alastor continued smiling at you. "So, what did you need?" You asked Alastor. "I was wondering about how many demons are in the hotel right now?" he asked. Why the hell did he want to know that? "Uhm...I'm not sure. For now, Angel's the only one, I think. That's something to ask Charlie. Why?" You asked. He better not be pre-counting for his future body count. "I wanted to see if this would be enough to stop the exterminations," he replied. "Oh...okay," You mumbled. Maybe he was telling the truth. He probably was. You didn't want to think he would kill everyone. "That's all I needed to know, thank you dear! I will see you again later! Farewell!" He said, his newscaster voice fading as he walked away. "Bye!" you responded. 

Unlike Domino thought, you did not have a "thing" for Alastor, but you could listen to him talk all day. "Hey you fuckin' bitch! How ya doin?" you heard Domino say as they walked in and promptly sat on your desk. You and Domino had talked things over since the event in the kitchen,but your relationship wasn't the same. You couldn't stifle the annoyed huff as you put down your calculator and looked up at them. "Uhh...hey!" You said, trying to act cheery. "Something wrong?" Domino asked you. "Not really, just a little behind on the finances," you responded. "Hey, uh, Alastor came back from talking to you looking very humored. Did somethin' happen between you, in, you know, that way?" Domino asked, putting an emphasis on the last 4 words. "No," you responded, an obvious annoyed tone in your voice. "You're not telling me either. See, I asked Alastor but he just looked at me weird and said no. Such a gentleman, not telling anybody what naughty things you did," Domino said with a wink. "You asked him!? You asked him the same thing you asked me?" you asked, jumping up from your chair. "Yeah, so what?" Domino said nonchalantly. "And we did NOT do anything like what you're implying!" You had to stop yourself from fully screaming at them. "I'd sure hope not! If you did, that was quite the quickie!" Domino said. "You're worse than Angel! My God, what is wrong with you!?" you said, teeth clenched. Domino didn't respond. "Just because you ship me and Alastor doesn't mean you can go up to him and ASK him if we fucked!" You had to clench your fists to stop from yelling. "I didn't ask him that way," Domino said. "It doesn't fucking matter! It was the same meaning! I have to go apologize to him for you because you'd probably say something stupid again...Leave this room so you don't touch anything, got it?" you told him. "Alright, fine," Domino said, hopping off your desk. 

You walked down the quiet hall towards the lobby. The first person you saw was Charlie. "Hey, have you seen Alastor?" you asked. "Yeah, he went over to the lounge," she responded. "Okay, thank you!" you said. "Are you alright?" Charlie asked. "What?" you asked. "Your eyes are kind of, orange? Did Alastor make you mad?" she asked. "No, Domino did. They did something really, really stupid. I now have to apologize to Alastor for them, so Domi doesn't say something stupid again instead of apologizing," you explained. "Oh no, what did they say?" she asked. "It's complicated. Domino seems to ship me and Alastor. Alastor asked me a question but when he first walked in I was really getting into that Bohemian Rhapsody song. I guess Alastor looked very entertained when he came back, because Domino asked Alastor if know...did know what I mean. Of course we didn't do that. Now I have to apologize to Alastor for Domino so that Domi doesn't say something like that again," you told Charlie. "Domino has always been lively but I didn't think they were that lively! Should I talk to them?" she asked. "Nah, I gave them a good yelling," you replied with a laugh. "Okay then. I'll talk to you later!" Charlie said. "Same to you," you said with a smile. Charlie was pretty much your favorite person, in life and death. She was such a nice and sweet person, and just a quick talk with her made you happy. But as you walked closer to the lounge, you felt anger and embarrassment. You shouldn't have to say this. This is stupid! Domino said a stupid thing and now you had to say sorry. 

You spotted Alastor in the lounge, dusting off an old book on a table. "Hey Alastor," you said. "Hello, dear," Alastor replied. "Uhm...Domino told me the really stupid thing they asked you...I'm so sorry they asked  that," you said. "Why should you apologize?" Alastor asked. He looked at you thoughtfully. "Well, Domino says stupid things when they try to apologize. So, I have kind of...taken over that with people we both know. If it's someone they know only, they're on their own," you said. "You shouldn't have to apologize. It's not your mistake. You shouldn't have to feel the guilt that comes with an apology," He said. His voice was not the normal loud voice, it was more gentle, almost soft. "I'm afraid they'll say something idiotic again..." you said. "Dear, if they say something they shouldn't say, that's their own issue," Alastor responded. "But this time, it's really really different. You remember the question, right?" you asked. "Oh yes, it was quite strange," Alastor said. "I'm so sorry. They seem to think we should be together, and any time we interact it makes them go crazy," you explained. Alastor seemed thoughtful for the moment before speaking. "Tell Domino to apologize for themselves. It's not that I don't accept your apology, but it's not your apology that needs to be accepted. You understand, right?" he said. "Yeah...but I feel like I should be there to teach them how to properly apologize, seeing as a bad apology is actually what got them killed," you said. "Really?" Alastor asked. he seemed intrigued by that. "Yeah, they got mixed up with some bad people and apologized the wrong way," you explained. "Let's all hope that doesn't happen to them again!" Alastor said. "Yeah..." you replied. "I'll be back with Domino. Hopefully  they can apologize properly this time!" you said, giving Alastor some nervous thumbs-up. "I'll be here!" Alastor said. You walked into the lobby and called Domino. "Hey Domi, can you come back to the hotel? I'll meet you in the lobby," you said, giving no further context. This better work out.

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