Chapter twenty

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Fanart by @JonsieSplitzer :) Thank you so much!

You stretched and yawned, looking at the alarm clock. Last night you watched that documentary, and you were still feeling elated about (kind of) confessing your love to Alastor. It was unbelievable how happy that one little moment made you feel. You couldn't get Alastor off your were worried that you were being borderline obsessive.

You were tempted to burrow deeper into your blankets, but you knew you had to get to the hotel to help out. You yawned again and got out of bed to get dressed. You chose (preferred clothes). You walked to your window and opened the curtains to see a fresh layer of hell snow on the ground. Reddish-pinkish-white snow everywhere, reminding you of winter when you were alive. You touched the window with your fingertip, feeling the chill coming from outside. With a shiver, you headed out to the living room, switching on the TV before getting some cereal. You sat on the couch as the TV played a commercial of some demon.

"Hi there, I'm Blitzo (the O is silent), and I'm the founder of I.M.P.! Are you a piece of shit who got yourself sent to Hell? Or are you an innocent soul who got fucked over by someone else?" the demon on the commercial asked. 

"Fucked over, alright," you murmured, remembering your life. Self-defense, wrongful conviction, killing an inmate, suicide. Ohh, boy, the judicial system really fucked you over on that one. 

"I really wish I could stick it to that yappy jogger who saw me hiding the body," a red demon said. 

"Well, luckily for you, thanks to our company's special access to the living world, we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!" Blitzo explained.

You had to admit, the commercial had peaked your interest....but you couldn't take revenge on the whole judicial system. It's not that you couldn''s just that you didn't want to. That would be really expensive and also leave your former country in ruins. Not the best idea. But maybe the jury....NO. Don't think like that. You weren't the vengeful type...not as far as you knew. You turned the TV off and picked up your phone to scroll through social media as you finished your cereal.

{time skip-bo}

You opened the door of the hotel and walked in. Charlie was talking to Vaggie and waved to you, which you returned with a smile and a wave. You walked past them towards your office. Today you were going to work on the finances, and devote the whole day to it. You walked up to the door, scanning your ID card and stepping into the office. You hung up your white denim jacket and set your bag on the desk, pressing the power button on the computer. You brought out your papers and the calculator, taking your water bottle out of your bag. You were all set for until you got hungry.

You opened the bank statement on the computer and just as you were about to begin working on it, you heard a noise. Alastor's teleportation noise. You felt two hands on your shoulders and when you turned around, sure enough, there was Alastor. 

You smiled. "Hi," you greeted. 

"Hello, my darling! How are you this fine morning?" Alastor asked. 

You smiled bigger, a reaction you always had to hold in for a long time, until last night. "I'm great! How about you?"

"Fantastic!" Alastor answered. Alastor gently took your hand and had you stand up. You were pretty damn sure you were blushing by now.

"You may be wondering why I'm here. I thought maybe we could discuss whether or not last night meant what I think it did," Alastor told you.

"Okay...what do you think it meant?" you asked. 

"That you finally confessed your feelings to me," Alastor answered. 

"First I want to know how you feel about me," you told Alastor. You weren't about to confess that you love him if he doesn't love you too. Alastor paused for a moment, his gaze flicking around as if searching for the right answer. You felt your heart racing as you waited for an answer. This was probably only taking a few seconds, but it felt like it took minutes.

Alastor laughed, a trace of nervousness in his voice. "I might have to...what do they call it now...take a 'rain check' on answering that," he said with a nervous chuckle. You widened your eyes, and tried not to fold your ears back. He didn't just reject you... 

You flicked your gaze away from his, at a loss for words. You gently pulled your hand away from Alastor's. You couldn't tell if you were couldn't tell what emotions you were even feeling.

"My dear, I didn't mean to...hurt you in any way," Alastor said with a caring and concerned tone in his voice. He gently put his hand on your arm, and his touch sent a feeling--a mixture of tingles and sparks--up your arm. 

"It''s alright. Don't worry about it," you said plainly. 

"Dear, don't take what I said to heart. I have found that sometimes I don't seem to accept my own feelings. And it's even more difficult for me to admit them to someone," Alastor explained. You looked up at him. He hesitated before speaking again, taking your hand again.

"I believe your feelings might be mutual," he told you. 

" feelings are..." you could barely say the word. 

"Affectionate?" Alastor asked you. You nodded nervously. "You don't have to worry, my dear," he told you, his eyes sparkling, "Mine are as well."

*unholy squealing*

So um, I just wanna mention that I'm not gonna be updating much from the 21st of December to the 6th of January because my grandparents are coming over for Christmas and they probably wouldn't appreciate me writing a fanfic about a demon. XD Plus, I don't really see them that often, just for Thanksgiving and Christmas (they live pretty much across the country) so I want to enjoy as much time with them as I can :) 

There will be an update on Christmas Eve tho, so you will have a little holiday surprise there!! It's going to be a special lil chapter stay tuned! 

Have a happy holiday, and for those of you who don't celebrate, have a great December :) I love you all!! <3

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