Chapter nineteen

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Fanart by @_Krystaal :) Thank you so much!!

You debated with yourself in your mind as the dark room was erupting with sound as the documentary played. But, you weren't paying attention. Something else was on your mind.

Alastor had basically told you he knew about your little crush a few days ago. You wanted to avoid the tall demon, for the sake of embarrassment, but Domino had practically shoved you into a seat next to Alastor. You shivered as you watched the screen display a scratchy, black-and-white film of a small section of Hell, in complete disrepair. Why? Because of Alastor. He had wreaked havoc there. You couldn't love that demon. Could you...? 

"The Radio Demon overthrew many of hell's overlords in a short amount of time, claiming certain areas as his. His unrivaled power had caused many demons to fear him, and rarely any would go against him. But, if a weaker demon were to stand up to him, they would be met with certain destruction," the documentary narrator explained. You looked at Alastor out of the corner of your eye, seeing nothing but delight in his red eyes as images of destroyed homes flicked across the screen.

You folded your ears back. He was happy to see the people and places he destroyed. You couldn't help but steal a glance at him. You were in love with him. There's no denying it. He's a narcissistic, pompous, sadistic jackass. And you loved him.

Your hand shook as you moved it closer to the armrest on which Alastor rested his arm. Your heart was beating fast, and you had to steady your breathing. You glanced at the row of seats in front of you where Domino sat. Luckily they weren't going to see this. 

In one shaky movement, you rested your fingers on Alastor's hand, looking at him to see his response. His eyes widened for a moment, and he glanced at you. You swallowed nervously. You almost felt your heart crack as he removed his hand from under yours, but then felt joy as he placed it back over yours, holding your hand. You resisted the urge to squeak in happiness, but only smiled at him. He responded with a gentle squeeze of your hand.

You were filled with a feeling of elation, almost to the point that you couldn't pay attention to the documentary. You forced yourself to pay attention, though, since Domino would probably be a shit and quiz you. You noticed you had a smile on your face still, and you had to stop smiling so people wouldn't think you were in love with Alastor...which, of course, you were.

Your view of the screen was slightly blocked by Domino's empty popcorn bucket being held up and back for you. They always ate their popcorn too fast, and they were already past their third bucket. They apparently didn't want to get their own again. In response, you grabbed a handful of your own popcorn and placed it in their bucket, tapping it for them to get it out of your view. They brought their bucket back down to themself and you glanced at Alastor again. You were still in disbelief that you were holding hands right now, but you were so...happy. You haven't been this happy since...since as far as you could remember. You looked back at the screen and then felt a tap on your arm.

You looked to see Charlie. "I have to go get some more soda. Can you watch my seat?" she whispered. You nodded and she left, leaving you to nervously make sure that nobody was able to easily see that Alastor was holding your hand. Luckily, your hands were in a shadow cast by another demon. In what seemed like a matter of seconds, Charlie returned and whispered thanks to you.

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