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Kso, this isn't a regular update lot what my last update says but I need to get this out,
I see girls from my school and some other girls on Facebook complaining about how they have no friends or how they don't got nobody, yet when they upload pictures or on snap chat there like "with the bae's", "with the Bestfriends" homies, whatever, almost everyday or weekend and in school I see that they always have someone to hang out with, they're talking to their friends or bros, ARE YOU SERIOUS?! you are not alone, You have friends, you should be lucky! me? I got nobody! NOBODY! But my boyfriend, Friends? I got nobody, When I'm crying nobody comforts me but my boyfriend, When you cry almost the whole class would comfort you.. Like fuck! be glad you got that much people there for you.. I'm home everyday! I like to play COD, I got psn friends but eh I don't know any of me :b I like to kick their asses in 1v1, they be going on and on about being able to "quickscope" when they can't :,D it's hilarious lol off topic but if you have alot of friends, stop complaining, be happy if you got friends cause some of us really struggle with that..

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