Part 26

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sorry I got my 'poem parts' mixed up lol I'll try to fix it, but can you guys follow me on tumblr 'lorissaanderson121' (: I just made it cause I love editing photos and that, writing, yenno stuff like that :D

;isn't it ironic that the things we do to feel alive, are things that can kill us?

;I feel so empty but I feel so much pain.

;Tired of fighting against something that is way bigger than me and stronger...

;Those nights where you just break down, realizing how lonely you are and that nobody cares.

;I cant pretend like I'm okay,

I can't fake it anymore

I'm hopeless, helpless,

and I'm afraid that its never going to get better.

Yeah.. so yesterday at school, like at the end of the day, I broke down crying uncontrollably in the bathroom, then I thought almost everyone was gone so I went outside and my "friends", were standing around outside and I knew I couldn't turn around and run back inside, and I put my head down, while they said 'hi' and I just avoided them hoping they wouldn't see my red high and running make-up.. until my main came up to me and asked me 'what's wrong' and I lost it saying 'nothing, I'm fine' then when she laughed and said what's wrong again.. I used all my might, and told her the first lie that came to my mind 'I was holding in my laugh and Im high a'f' and since I'm a stoner (dont hate
, she believed me D: but that was super hard.. holding back the tears :/ I felt so pathetic showing my weak side in school :s
but I gotta bounce, stay strong my love(s)
~Darling you'll be okay~

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