Part 27

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;Everyone assumes I'm fine because I don't cry but they don't see me making myself sick every hour.

;I laugh,  I smile when I am with my friends in pubic but when I'm at home, I hurt myself till I fall asleep.

;I'm not as tough as I act.

;I wish I was dead,

I was so close to,

I don't even know why I'm here anymore,

I'm just a worthless ugly freak with no purpose.

;I fucked up, I have nothing left to live for, I wish I had the strength to kill myself.

;I don't deserve anything, my friends, my family, my life, happiness.I just don't deserve it, I'm a bitch.

;I want more than anything to feel something other than sadness but I can't, I'm nothing, I have no future.

;What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you, what am I suppose to do when I'm all chocked up and your okay?

;When your dreaming with a broke heart, waking up is the hardest part.

;I know what its like to want to die, How it hurts to smile, how you try to fit in but you can't, you hurt yourself on the outside to try and kill the pain on the inside.

sorry I haven't updated, (if you guys care).. I'm just been having problems lately.. and school.. and I'm having a night where I can't fall asleep.. cause I have a million things in my mind but I think what I'm thinking about the most is suicide.. :s

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