Part 22

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;Death seems more inviting than life

;She says shes fine but shes going insane, she says she feels good but shes in a lot of pain, she says its nothing but its really alot she shes okay but shes really not.

;eyes without life

too tired of goodbyes

never felted embraced

and frightened of every face

a life in disguise

hope forever died.

;i sit and for you to be there

sometimes i wonder if you even care?

i sit and i cry waiting for the end

all you do is sit there and pretend

that im not even there and the depression

isnt real, as i sit in a corner

and weep and weep its to hard to swollow

to hard to breath

the mask is coming undone

revealing the pain, revealing the sorrow

i sit and yell, i feel so alone

you yell and you scream

i feel like a pathetic waste

lost in a sea of lies

i feel like this depression

will never die

can somebody help?

will anybody help me escape?

im begging now, just for a way out

i scream your name but your not there

finally i realize you dont care.

;its gotten to a point in my life where ive been hurt so many times

i can say

im used to it

but out of all the people

who could habe beaten me down

ripped me apart

made me feel less than worthy

why did it have to be


;(so i wrote this next quote, it aint the but whatever) 

i wrote this quote instead of hurting myself, you read this quote instead of doing the same.

so guys you know whats really sad? that the only reason i havent killed myself yet is because i dont want to hurt anyone but the reason i want to kill myself is because everyone is hurting me...

thats all i got to say but lately i dont want to reach it to my birthday (which is on March 7th).. but i got to hold on.. for my futures sake.. hmmp :s 

but my grandma passed away :s RIP Grandma Cheryl <3 gone but not forgotten, Heavens gained an angel <3 <3 <3 

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