Part 18

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;I gave you my love and you pushed it away,

I sang you my song a d you plugged your ears,

I showed you my heart and you closed your eyes,

and now your asking why I'm gone.

;I guess she finally gave up...

;They pushed her to the point the strong girl finally broke.

;Everyone is sleeping while she remains wide awake, leaving reminders on her body of how much she has her life.

;Have you ever felt like you don't know what's going on anymore?

Like you don't care about anything anymore,

Like you lost your motivation to do anything, and you can't explain how you feel,

You have feelings of emptiness and the feeling like nobody is there for you,

The feeling like nobody understands you anymore and the feelings like there is nothing to look forward to anymore?

Yeah I get those feelings to...

;I tell people I'm tired when in fact I'm depressed,

I tell people I will be fine tomorrow when I know that tomorrow will be worse,

I tell lies everyday and I know I'm not able to stop myself...

So guys.. im so tired of my life... I just want to die.. I don't see who would care anyways? I've been told I should kill myself many times, I've tried 13 times.. they were all failures.. like me.. i don't know.. ugh I'm so depressed and I'm suicidal :cc but I'll hold on.. for my 'futures' sake.. I want to become an FBI agent (: and hopefully start a family when I'm older (way older) ..
but stay strong my love(s) <3

Selfharm/depressed/Dark poemsWhere stories live. Discover now