Part 7

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So today i was in the hospital and the nurse said to me

Nurse:"Oh my, You have a lot of scars, i can barely find your vein".

Me:"There not scars.. there battle wounds, from a war i once didnt want to win".

-Roses are dull,

Violets are crying,

On the inside im dying,

On the outside im smiling..

-I hope you dont mind that i need to be reassurred that im your everything cause i feel like im nothing..

-Its werid that the once person who broke your heart, is the only one who can fix it.

-Im doing my best to smile even if i have a broken heart.

-My life on a downward spiral and im just doing my best to smile.

-'i love you' , 'Your beautiful' , ' your my one and only love' , ' Your perfect'.... are your telling me the same bullshit you told the other girl :/

-Theres a part of me that wants to move on but another part of me wants to hold onto that little piece of hope that your still inlove with me..

-Moving on is easy, its what you got to leave behind that makes it so hard.

;so lately ive been a mess.. i starting to realize im not his 'one and only' anymore.. im not his girl anymore, im one of his girls.. and on top of this i just feel so horrible, i cry alot, im starting to break more easily.. i just need someone.. i dont know what to do.. im having suicidal thoughts.. its getting harder to pick myself up.. i need a hug i want someone to see threw my smile, and realize im broken and need a hug.. :'/

But stay strong ♡♥♡ You are loved ♡

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