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Black dots disappeared as light coming into eyes. Raziella fluttered her eyes and saw everything around her is still blurry as she squinted her eyes and moved a little.

'What happened? Did I fall down?' she said while rubbing her head.

"Who are you, miss? Can you hear me?" She heard fingers snapping close by.

"Danny, it's okay. We knew her."

'I know that voice? Isn't that Roxy?'

"She's waking up."

She groaned as she got up and rubbed her lower back where her back hit the floor so hard due to her fall.

"Hey, Rose. You're okay?" the concerned Marceline asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine."

She noticed her friends were wearing different outfit.

Eliana, Andrea, Roxina, Marceline, Catherine and Shinellyn were wearing some like black tight suit with thin  straps of colour of their choice. They were armed with some kind of small weapons; some were on their backs, others put around the waist.

"Um, what are you guys wearing?"

"That doesn't matter. Tell me, are you okay?"

"Yeah, though my back hurts a little."

"Good cause we're gonna erase your memory."

"Yeah. . .wait what!?!" She exclaimed. "What do you mean erase my memory?!"

"Look, miss. We know we don't like to do this kind of stuff but we had to. Even though it is," a male voice spoke out.

She turned to see a guy around her age and was wearing a similar outfit like the girls. His brown hair were combed neatly to his side, reddish brown eyes shielded with thin glasses, fair skin and a gap in his teeth. He also had a long stick on his back.

"Danny!" Roxina's eyes widen.

"What? It's true." Danny said, shrugged his shoulders.

"He's right, Roxy. We have no other choice."

Next to Danny was a guy whose outfit is the same as his. Only this time, his black hair was tousled, fair skin and had blue ocean eyes. He also had broad swords on his back.

"Wait, guys!" Shinellyn protested.

"Are you seriously going to do this? Please think this through! Sure, she doesn't really where she is and she's new to the city."

As Shinellyn said that, she put her hand on her shoulder.

"But she's our friend. And we hate keeping secrets from friends. It doesn't feel right. Please, Master Kubo. You got to make an acceptance."

She turned around to see a man who is in his 40s wearing a red Japanese robe with a stern look while tapping his cane. He then walked towards her, staring deep in her eyes. She was a little scared of what's happening right now.

"Well, I don't see there's a problem with her. Very well, she can come as well," the man said with a stern look.

"Let me introduce you, our alley team. They were originally from Japan." Eliana said.

'Whoa!?! They're from Japan! Omg! That's awesome!' she thought, trying to calm her excitement within her.

"I'm Luke Kubo. The leader of the team," the boy with ocean blue eyes said with a smile.

"I'm Kashimi, Luke's twin sister," said the girl with head length black hair while smiling with her arms crossed.

"I'm Danny," said the brown hair boy, smiling warmly.

"I'm Max," said the boy with freckles on his cheeks, smiling widely. His smile showed dimples on his cheek.

"And I'm Alicia," said the red haired girl with the black outfit, similar to the girls.

After they introduced, Raziella noticed a guy, who she met earlier, was leaning against the wall with his eyes furrowed stuck on her.

He had aubrun velvet hair spiked down over his forehead, pale skin and green emerald eyes. She had a weird feeling about him. The way he looked at her, she felt a zap to her spine.

"Who's that guy?" the blonde hair girl asked.

"Oh, that guy?" Andrea pointed out as Raziella nodded.

"His name is Rion. He's the hothead here just to let you know. If I were you, I wouldn't try to make him mad."

'That's Rion?? Why do I have a feeling I've seen him before?' "Oh. . .okay."

"So, you just moved here?" Max asked.

"Mm hm. From California."

"Really! Wow! Was it cool? Does it have those cute chicks?" Luke asked with a smirk on his face.

"Luke!" Eliana gasped as she punched his shoulder lightly.

"What? I was only asking." Luke smirked playfully while put his hands behind his head.

Eliana rubbed her forehead with her fingers, grumbled silently.

"Danny's the one with the glasses. He's a tech genius." Andrea said.

"And Max is the goofball but a good one cause he's the youngest but he can be serious in his. . .own ways." Marceline said. Eliana walked towards her while crossing her arms.

"But there's one more thing. You can't tell this to anyone you know. Not even your closest friends or family. Got it, Rose?" Eliana looked into her eyes.

Raziella sighed lightly that she knew she hate breaking promises especially her new friends she make. Promise is like a paper. Once you tear it apart, it can never be fixed again.

"Okay, I promise." Raziella smiled.

With that, her friends smiled even though she's still new, they had a feeling she can keep a secret. Meanwhile, she was introducing to the team while Rion still staring at her with a serious look, but was thinking a different thought.

'Is this really happening? As in she's really here? If only she knew I was there.' the auburn haired guy thought silently.

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