Discover Sudden Secrets

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After school ended, Rose was waiting for her parents at the bus stop without her sister because her class period is a little longer than she thought.

As she was waiting, she was thinking of how her first day of school that she made some friends.

'I can't believe that my first day of school would be like this. And I made some friends! It was nice talking to them and they were really cool-.'

Before she could finish her thought, she saw Roxina, Eliana, Andrea, Marceline, Shinellyn and Catherine walking into an dark alley. She was curious about why would they walked in there so she decided to follow them. She hid behind the huge garbage bin as soon as she heard them talking.

"Are you sure no one's here? Cause I'm having a weird feeling right now," said Andrea, biting her lips.

"I'm sure there isn't. Plus, we've been through like this for 20 times," Marceline declared.

With that, she opened the manhole and all of them went inside leaving Marceline to go in last before closing with the manhole.

Rose was confused. Why would her friends went into the manhole? Is there something they're not supposed to let her know? But curiosity got the best of her. So without hesitation, she went into the manhole and climbed down using ladder only to receive the stench of the sewers and dirty running water.

As soon as she reached to the bottom, she saw shadowy figures far distance which means she spotted her friends were walking through the sewer.

'Where are they going?'

With that, she quietly followed them. Minutes passed, the beaming light was fading which caused her to panic a little. Until she reached a ladder where the light ends.

She looked up and saw a beam of light that leads her out of the manhole and sees that she's in different place, more like where there's no one walking or even a grocery store opened.

'Wait, what is this place?'

As she looked around, she saw her friends just walked inside an abandoned building which frightens her a bit and made hair on her skin stand.

Gathering up her courage, she followed them going into the building but what makes her confused is that when she walked in, she saw nothing but the place is dirty and almost full of empty boxes and some broken crates as if the place never had a spring clean.

'Okay, this place is abandoned but no sign of them. How am i gonna-.'

Before she could finish her thought, she tripped over a broken wood on the floor. She groaned at that act but her eyes widened as she sees her right hand disappear!


As she took her right hand back, she was shocked that it's not gone.

'What the? How is this possible?'

Rose took one last look at the hand and reached out making it disappeared again until she realized that her hand just went into a magic portal-like wall!

'A forcefield? But how? There's no magic in New York unless. . .'

Rose started to think that her 'new' friends turn out to be something she never expected to be.

'Oh please! Like it could happen! I mean they're my friends, are they?' she said while shaking her head.

With that, she took a deep breath before she goes through the forcefield and was amazed behind it.

The place was somehow decorated with used items but in a good way, a TV in the center with few sofas and a beanbag.

'This place looks awesome! Is this some kind like their hangout???' She was stunned at the place and 'Whoa' came out of her mouth.

As she was looking around, an armoured guy who suddenly came out of a room and they make eye contact with each other. She noticed that he has some kind of a weapon around his waist.

'Oh, snap! A guy just spotted me! And he has some kind of a weapon I don't know!! He can't be an assassin!'

'Wait, isn't this the girl I saw the other night??' he thought, squinting his eyes until he realized it was her. His eyes went wide.

'Oh no! I'm dead! I gotta get outta here before he tried to kill me!' She was startled at first before she ran back to the entrance.

"Wait, don't go! I'm not gonna hurt you!" he cried.

She didn't listen to what he said. She didn't want to turn back just so she can face the last light before descended into the afterlife. She was making a run back to where she came in but she accidentally slipped on a skateboard she didn't see and hit her head hard, causing her to black out.

Please forgive me if the chapter's really short. 😖🙇

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