Like A Siren

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After completing her homework, she left it on the teacher's desk and stepped out of the door, searching for a clear path to her locker. She had tried calling Shinellyn on her cell phone but to only received a voicemail. It was the same thing she got from Eliana and Catherine. 

To be honest, she constantly felt being left out by her friends; saving people as vigilantes at night, righting the wrongdoings. To her, it sounds fun to have that kind of adrenaline rushing through your skin. If only she had a chance to be in one of their insane adventures. 

Twisting the lock on her locker, she peered her eyes over Alicia in the moving crowd of students. Her blue eyes met hers as Raziella gave a meekly wave. She thought she'd return the same gesture. Instead, she broke eye contact and walked away from her sight. 

Why would she act like that? Did something happen to her yesterday? She tried to recall any memory that involved her doing horrible things to Alicia. Apparently, there were none. Someone cut off her train of thoughts as a smug smile reappeared on Shinellyn's face.

"What were you thinking about?" She leaned forward before continuing saying, "in this case, who?"

She heaved an irritated sigh. "Don't be a busybody. Plus, it was nothing." 

"You weren't thinking about–" 

"Shiny, I didn't even want to think about him." She started to question her friendship with Shinellyn. That immediately reminded her of Rion's. The night he saved her from the ninjas catching on their tail was a nightmare. She wouldn't be here if he wasn't on the subway.

"Sure." Shinellyn pressed her lips before walking away. 

"Also, I saw Alicia in the hallway but she was acting really weird."

Shinellyn stopped in her tracks, slowly glancing at her best friend. The blonde girl felt weirded out by her gesture.

"How weird are we talking about?"

"Well, I just waved at her and she walked away. Like I'm a total stranger to her." She promptly lifted her head with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Is she mad at us?"Raziella asked quietly.

"Not exactly but I'll tell you after the third period," she said as she pushed the door to her calculus class.

Exactly as she had promised after the third bell rang, she explained every detail of the whole event she missed out yesterday. And as she expected, Raziella's hands closed her mouth shaped in an O with her eyes wide open. She started to reconsider her life questions at the moment.


"Yeah, like you don't see that every day." She rolled her eyes. "I suspected Alicia had to do something with Roxina right after her argument with Danny. Just as a phone call ended, he was furious with Alicia." 

Her voice couldn't let out but a quiet gasp. Alicia wouldn't never do that. It was too cruel even if it's only a silly crush. "But is Roxina okay?" She stammered at Shinellyn's awaiting response.

Her eyes tried to look distracted, anywhere but Raziella. Until she spotted someone stepping towards them. "Marcy! There you are, I have been looking for you," she rested her arm on Marceline's shoulder, immediately dragging her to their table, pushing her down on her seat and on her tray on the table. Their lunch rumbled at the force.

"Raziella actually wanted to ask you." She patted her shoulders, hoping she got the signal. 

The quizzical girl only looked at her friend's  before changing her gaze to Marceline. "I…um…heard what happened to Roxina–"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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