What You See Hurts So Much

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Max wished he's a runway, springing to an unknown path he chose by random but this one blows him off; sitting down on his bed with his father scolded at him for his foolish act he posed. Not every youngest child in the family was made to be the obedient one, following his or her older siblings' good examples.

"You know what you did was very wrong," his father rebuked him. Max's head hung low, his hands stayed on the bed sheet. He wanted something—anything—to drift off in another place than being in his room.

"You left your home without anyone's supervision, broke into a Burakku headquarter and your brother came to save you…" His words trailed off like the quiet wind. He couldn't dare finish his sentence. He refused to imagine what that monster could do to his eldest son. He shook his head in dismay.

"Please think about this," He walked out of his room in silence. He's upset about Max's stupid stunt but he's more disappointed in himself. He doubted himself for not doing a great role as a parent at all.

Two months after his beloved wife's death, the extended family received a death threat from a rival clan that was supposed to be dead for a long time. The elderlies settled a decision to split for hiding for few months. Woefully, the rival clan had found and killed half of the family along with the elderlies. For as long as he tried to find anyone in the kazuki clan alive, no responses were made to his calling. He believed they were the last surviving family of his clan. His family had a legacy for centuries; samurais born in the blood of the Kazuki clan. Since then, he used the idea to build a character in his children. All he did was make them train to be samurais so the family's legacy wouldn't be a waste but to keep their lives safe and away from danger.

His fingers rubbed his tired eyes. He couldn't face his problem. He needed to focus on getting Luke out of the building.

He saw his daughter and son already suited up with chest plates, shoulder and knee pads along with a weapon of their choice while Eliana and Roxina dressed in their ninja suits.

"Is the critter in his room?" Rion crossed his arms. Kashimi nudged his arm before her cat eyes glared at him.

"C'mon, what he did was a brainless thing to do. Leaving our brother to them!"

"He's only fifteen," she pressed. "He's not ready yet to be on his own." She knew how Max felt being the youngest, zero responsibilities in life, loads of free times and never worry a thing about his life.

"He was scared, young and didn't know what to do."

"その通り、" Rion barked. (Exactly.)

"Rion, that's enough," his father stopped him before he could continue filing his complaints about his brother's behavior.

"Now I called upon the four of you to assemble a rescue mission, get Luke out of that place immediately. We don't know what they can do to him. Danny, Shinellyn and Alicia will be on the lookout for us at the headquarter nearby."

Kashimi couldn't brush the unsettling feeling in her arms as though a small bug kept crawling under her sleeve.

"You're okay, Kashimi?"

"Yeah, I'm scared of what they're going to do to him." She and Luke had always been together, fighting off bad guys side by side. But now, her fear and worry increased when Luke was left in another place full of danger, all on his own. He was somehow a part of her.

Hearing what Kashimi said, Eliana recalled the last time she talked to him was the training they did. She spit offended words to him, a slap on his face as a gift and she walked away from him, ignoring his words. She never meant to do that.

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