Silent Suffer - Part II

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Previously. . .

"Rion, please let me go!"

"I won't unless you tell me what's going on!"

"I can't!"


"Because if I do, you'll hate me and never want to be my friend again!" Her eyes had tears that were ready to burst out.

Confusion stirred in his eyes. "What?"


The redhead guy and the blonde girl kept their eyes on each other; he was feeling uncertain about her after she cried out the word hate to him. Her heart thumped madly as though her legs could no longer hold her up like a mannequin in a fashion store.

"You won't understand." She harshly pulled her hand out from his grip as he shot his eyes at her. She isn't the sweet or shy Raziella he knew moments ago. He had a hunch something triggered a fear from her personal life.

"Rose, why would you think of that? Is there something you're not telling me?"

Raziella huffed under her breath. Clasping her hands made her less anxious and Rion had no choice but to accept the silent treatment. It was only minutes when she caught him off guard by her words.

"I was almost molested," Raziella looked away. She couldn't proudly look at him when she spoke that disgusting word. It made her want to throw up her substances.

"What?" Rion exclaimed with his eyes widened.

"It happened when I got into my prep academy." She struggled to breath; her throat clogged with air. The memories just haunt her too much and she doesn't want to go through twice. She has been dreaming, hands covering her mouth while the tears made a beautiful art stream down her cheeks.

Assurance coated her body when she felt him getting closer to her. His palm resting on the back of her hand. She looked up and saw his emerald green eyes staring at her. She found the colors so mesmerized.

"I'll listen if you want to talk about it." She can feel his voice is being sympathetic and not his usual annoying type. He doesn't want her to hold it in her chest forever. Even if he's not good at letting other people talk about their situation. But for her case, he thinks she should let it out. She inhaled the wind through her nose before exhaling out of her mouth.

"It first happened when I was twelve. At that time, I didn't have these glasses and tied my hair up. The boys at my old elementary school always complimented me. They showered me with compliments every single day. They would even stare dreamily at my face as if I'm the only girl in the world.

"But no matter how sweet their compliments are, it makes me feel uncomfortable when I'm around them. Some of them asked to be my girlfriend at an early age but I rejected. I'm not ready for a relationship that soon. By the end of my final year in elementary school, I finally got into the prep academy I've always wanted to go; California Prep Academy."

Her face expressed with happiness and joy when she got the acceptance letter. It was her dream to enroll in a fine school with outstanding academics.

"I thought I could finally get away from those boys. If only I knew I was so wrong."

She remembered the first day she walked into the school, taking in the beautiful structures of the hall. She was dressed in a black blazer covering her white shirt and her gray skirt knee length. Her socks, white as snow, coated her legs below her knees. Her hands held the straps of her bag. A mild smile on her face said she's ready to face challenges.

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