"Yes, I found him outside the mall. He said he was following a woman and a kid named Lincoln but they didn't notice him. Then, we found him crying and he said he doesn't know how to return to you. Luckily,we made him remember your name and he said that you are a great doctor so we tried to track your number through the internet. Thank God that you are well-known. He's with us. We can return him to you" the woman explained.

Finally, I felt a huge relief. Leo's safe.

"T-thank you! Where are you? We'll go there. Please. Thank you so much"

"I will send you the address" the woman said.

"Who was that? Do they know where Leo is?" Jennie asked as soon as I hang up the call.

"Y-yes. They sent me the address. I'll go get him. You just take a rest here, okay?" I said and kissed her in forehead.

"Lisa, I want to come with you." She said with a worried face.

"But, Jennie---"

"Please? He's my son too. You cannot avoid me from getting worried" she said sadly and I cannot argue anymore.

"Okay, we'll settle the bill immediately and take you out of here. I'll leave you my phone so you can contact the woman who found him okay? Don't think to much. He's fine" I said assuring her.

I immediately settled the hospital bills. The doctors are hesistant to let Jennie be discharged so suddenly but I insisted and assured them Jennie's safety since I am a doctor too. Luckily they let me after hearing that I can assure her safety.

We immediately went to the address sent to us by the woman. We also called our friends that were looking for him and also our parents. We even sent them the address given to us and asked them to let a some group of policemen to follow us just in case of emergency.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

And that was it. The relief I've been longing for the past few hours. Hearing Leo calling us again. Seeing him completely safe and sound. It's more than enough for us.

"Leo!" We welcomed him, running as we get off the car.

"Mommy, daddy... I'm so sorry. I know I upset you and made you worry but I was too scared. I'm really sorry mommy and daddy. Forgive me please" Leo cried. He's sobbing so hard and it makes our hearts swell seeing him look scared and worried at the same time. Afraid of us for getting mad at him.

I can't blame him. He's just a kid and he barely sees kids that he can befriend. That moment that Diana and her son walked away made us focus more on the kid. We totally neglected Leo that time and it's frustrating for our part as his parents.

"No, no... don't cry Leo. Don't be scared. Mommy and Daddy are not mad at you. Okay? We're just so worried. If there's anyone we should blame here, it is us. Okay? Don't cry baby. Please?" Jennie comforted our sobbing kid.

There's a very rare time that we see him cry badly. It's when he's done so wrong or when he's scared as hell. And this time it is both.

"Hey little buddy. Don't cry, okay? We're not mad and we are happy to see you safe and sound. And we're also proud to know that you we're able to recall my full name and tell the people who found you that they can track my contact information online. That's just a good job. You're so brave and intelligent, buddy" I tried to sound cheerful as I talk to him.

His face lit up immediately as soon as he heard those. Jennie smiled too after seeing his face brighten up.

"I love you mommy and daddy!!" He squealed and hugged us tightly with his small arms spread out widely.

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