"you came" ; 1

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You never thought you would be standing where you were today. it was a saturday evening, the sun about to set & the weather was calm. inside the church there were people everywhere, chatting about anything & everything. you stood in the back of it all, closest to the doors as you stared at the decorations.

lavender streamers, white balloons & white roses were decorated around the church so precisely, you started to hate how perfect it all looked. you also started to dislike lavender from that point. you stood wearing a light blue dress that stopped before your knees, white heels your hair lightly curled. you held your clutch tightly in your left hand as you waited for it to start, even though you dreaded it.

people started to sit down in the pews as he walked down the aisle with his mother. she looked at you softly, giving a sad smile before returning her attention to her son beside her. you watched him as he kissed her forehead & walked closer to the alter, smiling at the people surrounding him. he looked so handsome, he always did... but suits make him look even more handsome.

his hair was slightly gelled, his hands fidgeting with eachother as he waited there, talking briefly to the priest. the bridesmaids & gromsmen soon walked down the aisle & separated, soon making everyone stand up & glance at the doors. the bride came out as the piano played softly in the back. she was wearing a beautiful white dress, it fit her lovely to be honest.

her makeup with done with precision & her hair was gorgeous, making you feel slightly self-conscious. soon, the wedding begun & words were being said between the two. he looked at her with such an adoring gaze, it made your heart be torn into two pieces again, hurting with each rip.

"if there is anyone whom objects to the union of these two souls, speak now or forever hold your peace" the priest said.

the groom looked around the room & his eyes landed on you. he forgot he invited you to the wedding, he should've remembered. he stared at you, his face turning from happiness to heartbreak as he looked at your state. he knew you were hurting so badly in the inside, tears welled into both of your eyes.

"river" you tried to mumble softly but it came out louder than you wanted to, it was a cry almost.

everyone's eyes turned to you, shock written on everyone's faces. his family's stared at you sadly, not knowing what to do in that moment.

"y/n" he mumbled back, still shocked.

the bride stared at him in disbelief, confused at the whole situation. the priest just stood there watching the scene unfold.

you didn't say anything else, too scared for the reaction of the family members around you. as tears fell from your eyes you covered your mouth from letting out any sobs & you quickly exited the church, the door shutting loudly. people started to talk among one another loudly as the bride stared at river.

"just go" she huffed out, leaving the alter to her dressing room as her mother followed her, glaring at the man.

river just stood there shocked, everything felt as if it was happening at lighting speed. he ignored his family's calls & walked out of the church, seeing you sitting on a bench by a small lake just outside of the church. he walked towards you, sitting beside you as you stared at the lake, afraid to look into his eyes.

"you came" he said, looking at you.

"yeah, i did. that's what invitation's are for" you scoffed, biting your lip as you sniffled.

"i didn't think you would come"

"i didn't think so either"

"then why did you y/n?"


"because what?" he said a bit harshly, trying to get an answer out if you.

"because i still love you, you asshole"

river phoenix ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now