library boy : 1

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You looked up from your marine biology book to meet with those familiar blue eyes a couple tables across from you. you were currently reading a new book your mom bought you at the public library downtown. every day these past few weeks you've noticed a boy with dark brown hair & round glasses catch your eye every know & then.

you've sat at the same spot at the library & he's stayed 2 tables across from you, no one ever blocks your view from him so it seems like it's only the two of you in the library. you always catch in looking at you instead of him paying attention to the bonfire of the vanities. his blue eyes were intriguing but you knew to just continue reading your book.

it was almost 4;30 & you knew you should start heading back home to help your mom with dinner, so you grabbed your backpack & headed towards the door. as you walked out you heard a voice shouting at you which startled you, making you turn around to see the boy across from you.

"hey uh you forgot your book" he said walking towards you, handing you your marine biology book.

"marine biology is pretty cool... i uh like learning about the stuff about the uh marine ecosystems" he said, looking at the cover before looking back at you.

"me too. oh & uh thanks, i'm forgetful sometimes" you said, chuckling nervously at the end.

"so um..." he said, looking at his dirty sneakers before looking at you.

"oh right, sorry. i'm y/n, y/n y/l/n" you said holding out your hand for him to shake.

"i'm d-michael manfield" he shook your hand with a smile, which you returned.

"nice to meet you mike" you smiled.

"mike?" he said with a confused look on his face.

"i give people i like nicknames, like my sister or my friend steph. so i gave you a nickname, if that's okay?" you said with a hopeful look on your face.

"yeah it's fine, i don't mind" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"so um, where you headed to?" he asked.

"back home, i gotta cleanup & help my mom with dinner" you said holding the book to your chest.

"cool cool, uh have fun i guess?" he said.

"yeah i will. see you tomorrow mike?" you said with a snicker.

"yeah. i'll see you tomorrow y/n" he said with a slight smile.

"enjoy the bonfire of the vanities!" you shouted as he walked back to the library doors, making him turn around with a shocked grin on his face.

you smiled to yourself as you continued to walk back home, happy that leaving your book meant you would get a chance to talk to blue eyes- uh no, mike.

* • *

you looked up as you heard the library doors, revealing mike. you softly smiled at him as he sat down in his spot with his backpack in hand, which isn't very usual. he pulled out a notebook, a textbook & a pencil, starting to work on what you guessed was homework.

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