"He's good people too and please call my Val."

"This is Slash, Blade, and Strider." He pointed to each one but for some reason. I felt draw to the guy Strider Pushing the feeling away fast.

You can't go down the road, Val!

"Oh hey Val, how did the Custody hearing go?" Hayden brought my attention to him.

"I won! I got full custody. I don't have to deal with baby daddy drama no more."

"Right on, that's good. How did he take it?"

I shook my head "He didn't really care. So the judge didn't want to hear his side." I said remembering how he acted "But that's behind me. I'm moving forward I don't have time for kid games,"

He nodded listening to me, he was about to reply when Slash did "How do you know all that?"

"We share the hospital room. It was hard not to listen," I shook my head at him.

I don't blame him for listening.

They all nodded then getting straight the point I jumped at the small pause. "Okay enough about me. Let's go inside and we can walk through the plans. On how do you want things set up?"

Aiden motioned for me to walk in first. We spent at least an hour talking about what they wanted to do. What kind of food along with other things. After that they took their leave to finish getting the things they would need. I also told them how Frank let me move in upstairs and asked if they would be kind enough. To let everyone know not to go up there.

Aiden kindly agreed.

Setting up the table music was playing in the back ground. From time to time I would nodded my head singing along. My favorite song started to play and my hips started to sway a little to the beat. But then, the music cut off making me pull a small face turning to see why it stopped my heart stopped. Armani stood by the stereo looking pissed off more than ever. Everything in my body told me to run!

But I didn't.

I looked around to see if anyone was around. But I was unlucky. When did the guys say they will be back? "Y-you can't be in here."

He took his time with the reply. His eye filled with nothing but hatred. "What not so tough when your friend or lawyer isn't around?"

Every time he would take steps forward I would take some back. There was no way I wanted to be close to him. Not while I was alone. I did not know what he was able to do and I did not want to find out. I want him to just disappear.

"Who say's I'm scared now? Like I said, you can't be in here. We're closed for a privet party."

"What party? This dump is empty,"

"They will be here soon so you need to leave,"

I was hoping they came back sooner they said.

"I have business to discuss with you," he said walking closer.

My eyes snapped to the door a mistake I was going to pay for. Armani took this time to lunge at me knocking tables and chairs out the way in the process. As I made a break for. It he grabbed my forearm pushing me up against the wall. Making me hissed in pain. I tried to push him off but he didn't move. He pushed more into me, I was able to feel his hot breath fanning my face.

So I closed my eyes and prayed.

"What's wrong baby. You loved it when I did this that night," he taunt me.

"I was drunk."

He laughed "You weren't too drunk to agree to have sex with me."

This bustard!

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