...Serenity And Tension...(35)

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Miyako's POV

I woke up to a stiffness on my face, I could only assumed left from unwired tears. Today was the day, his day, the Hokages. I sighed and began to get ready for the day to come. After some food and a shower I stood before the outfit I hadn't really picked out. Naruto told me everyone that everyone practically wore the same thing. Admittedly I thought it was a rather ugly outfit but never the less I searched for one. I put it on and honestly it wasn't the kind of thing I would wear, because it doesn't suit me one bit. Sighing I grabbed my hair and placed its into bun, my fringe still covering my forehead. 

I left my house to be met by gloomy weather, it looked like it was due to rain, looking down I walked to the meet up spot. I told Naru to meet me and we would go together. As I drew clearer to the spot I saw Naru. He looked different in black, more mature almost. He looked up and gave me a pained smile, I gave him a soft one in return and gave him a hug. This was bound to be a hard day for many.

Everyone stood in rows, dressed in black wearing their headbands. It was deathly silent as everyone mourned. Then it began to rain. The man began to speak, "We are gathered here to remember and honour not only the third hokage but all those who sacrificed themselves this battle so that our village survived." My mind began to wonder off as people began to place white flowers. I was brought back in my Konohamaru's weeps, I looked down ad the boy next to me and placed my arm round his shoulder bringing him into me, he didn't act like it, but he's only a child. I looked at Naru, he had a distant look on his face, you could tell he was in thoughts. You could tell everyone was in thoughts. I waited for my turn and placed my flower. 

The day continued on but the Hokage never left anyones minds. It was undeniable this loss was bound to leave a mark on the village. I didn't do much I went home and lived my life.

I woke up the next morning with a bad feeling in my gut, unsure why, I just feel like something is going to go down. I got ready for the day and left my house. Team 7 was supposed to be meeting in about an hour so I had a bit of time too kill. Walking about the village you got to see many things, Naru having a heart to heart, old men perving on girls and just people doing what they do. The village had a strange feel of serenity and tension at the same time.

I arrived to the meeting place early to see Kakashi, Duckbutt and two others. Weird, Kakashi was early too? Something was definitely up. "Yo." I said walking up to them. "You're early too, hn somethings up." Duckbutt said with a dead tone as always. "We were just about to go somewhere else to eat." Kakashi said, I nodded and said goodbye to the other two as we walked away. Something was up and everyone but me and Sasuke were in on it. 

Me and Duckbutt walked ahead only to turn around and see Kakashi was gone. "What the hell?" I said. He only sighed and said, "I bet he called off us meeting hn." Me and Sasuke continued walking. The silence was kind of calming. My stomach rumbled, "Sorry I thought we were all meeting for food eheh." I said sheepishly with itching my neck. "Hn, idiot. Lets just go eat I'm hungry too." This surprised me, he wanted to eat lunch? With me? I followed Sasuke and just allowed him to choose where to eat. We surprisingly spoke and didn't have a bad lunch, he still didn't say too much. We paid for our food and went our separate ways. 

I began to walk by the river looking for something to do, only to see Kakashi and the other two from earlier, they were with two people with cloud cloaks on. Kakashi fell to the floor suddenly, well the water. I rushed over, "Kakashi! Are you ok?" I jumped onto the water quickly and rushed over. "Miyako no!" He shouted. I stopped in my tracks, I was bought to weird place with one of the weird men, but then I wasn't. "What was that?" The man in the cloak who was there turned to me, "How did you get out?" I just titled my head a little, "Yo Kakashi who is you're weird friends?" No one laughed, they looked more distressed than anything, "Miyako they aren't mine nor the villages friend." I looked at the man still, "Then who are they?" Kakashi sighed, but the man with the black hair and the cloak spoke, "I'm Itachi and this is Kisame." I then noticed the shark like being next to him with the same cloak. "Why does your name sound familiar." I asked Itachi. It was evident I was supposed to be scared of him as it was clear Kakashi and the other two were but to me I don't fear those I don't know. "Miyako, he's Itachi Uchiha." Kakashi said now looking at me with a serious look. 

So he's Duckbutt's clan, I'm assuming related at there was a resemblance. Must admit Itachi definitely got the better end of the gene pool. He looks too young to be his dad, so that means he must be his brother. "Hn. I thought the Uchiha clan was all dead? Except Sasuke of course." I said, I decided to not act like I had a bit of a clue, get more information like this. "They are. I made sure of it. Left Sasuke to tell the tale." He said, his eyes fixated on me, his voice never rose nor dropped. He killed the whole Uchiha clan and didn't care, or was really good at hiding it. Before I could say anything else the shark attacked, and Gai appeared. "Well, who do we have here?' Kisame asked, shouldn't have asked. "The Leaf Village's fierce beast of battle. I'm Might Gai." Followed of course by his shinning smile. "You're Might Gai huh? Mighty stupid looking guy." Oh come on fish man, I could and have come up with better. "Don't underestimate him." Itatchi said. This is when I finally realised, shit was about to get real...

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