...A Straight Up Moron... (23)

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Miyako's POV

You know sometimes I think that the best medicine is a good shower, I mean after being in a dirty gross forest for three days, a shower or bath is definitely a must and if you think otherwise fight me.

Who in tarnation are you talking to?

You I guess? Just leave me alone, random voice.

I can't really be random if I sound like you.

My thoughts also sound like me, but I have some control over them. You, whatever you are, I have no control over. There's clearly a difference. My conversation with the voice took place as I tied up the annoying ninja sandals, which seemed to be the only comfy thing stores sell.

Well, that sounds like a personal problem.

It's a personal problem, one caused by you, mysterious voice in my head. Can't you just tell me who, or what you are?

All in good time.

I'm on the edge of my seat, I truly hope that through this weird telepathic communication you could sense the sarcasm. With no reply, I figured the 'voice' had gone back to wherever it goes when its not pestering me. Hopping to my feet, I looked round the room for my keys. After finding them I left to go watch some teenagers participate in a legal fight club; right, I'm never referring to a preliminary round like that again. I left the apartment, locking the door behind me.

Upon arriving at the place the fights were taking place I saw something that would make anyone with a soul upset, no not upset, distraught. Hina was laying on the floor blood stained on her skin, and seeming as I am an easily aggravated person I asked a question with mild profanity, "Ok, which deluded fucker hurt Hinata?" I knew the answer (obviously), the only people around her was the proctor, Naru (who looked as equally pissed) and the trap. It didn't take no genius to deduct who hurt the precious being that is Hina. The trap spoke, "That would be me." I looked into his blurry eyes (you know I mean, I hope) and spoke, "So why'd you hurt innocent little Hina?" He scoffed, almost amused by the question, which honestly just added more fuel to mine and Naru's fire, "She's hardly innocent, her father had mine killed." I rolled my eyes at the statement. I took a second before replying, "I empathise with you for your loss, but you're a straight up moron if you blame Hinata for that. You saying she's an asshole because her dad is, is the equivalent of me saying you're dead because your dad is." My Mavis, now I've said that aloud, I realise I could have worded that better to not be as harsh, eh too late. "You're oblivious to the misfortune this girl has bought me." he said. Taking a deep breath I looked back into his eyes, "No I don't, but I still somehow believe it isn't her fault. But if we fight in the next round you better pray God is on your side, or you're going to be paying him a visit." He scoffed, again,"What are you going to do, embarrass me to death with your idiotic threats and insults." I glared at him before firing back with, "Trust me, your outfit choice is already an insult as well as embarrassing." One last glare was shared before I walked up to the watching area. I could hear Naruto going off at the boy in the background, but I was too focused on calming my self down. After reaching the useless twerp, I sat cross legged on the floor and started to meditate.

By the time Naru came over, I was a lot calmer. Standing up I turned to him. "Can we make a pact now, if either of us go up against him in the next round, we'll beat his ass." I said a light smile on my face, Naru did his signature grin and said his signature phrase,"Believe it!" We connected knuckles, smiles on our faces. Annoying useless twerp ruined the moment by coughing loudly. Before the next fight started, Naruto filled me in on the fights that I had missed, I was slightly proud that Sakura held her own against Ino, but don't tell her that. I was glad Temari got through, even though she just stood there when her brother tried to murder me. Pineapple did ok. Kaiyo's teammate (the one's whose name I don't know) he won his fight. And for Renjiro's fight, he lost against a person whose name I cannot remember right now. For the last fight I missed, it was Naru's. I could tell Naruto hyped up and exaggerated his fight a lot, but I still knew he did good, even if he only won because he farted.

The next fight was clearly going to be intense it was Lee verses Gaara. I'm pretty sure Lee was at a disadvantage because he could only use Taijutsu, but I guess if you looked at all of his fights like that, he'd always be at a disadvantage. I'm pretty sure Lee is fast, meaning he may be able to outrun (is that even the correct terminology?) Gaara's sand. I'm not sure why but I have a bad feeling about the fight.

(A/N: I don't think that I'm any good at writing fights so I'm going yo skip to the end, plus its 1 in the morning and I cba to look at what happened in the fight.)

The results of the fight were pretty bad, Lee probably had multiple bones in his leg crushed by Gaara's sand. The worst part is, if Gai didn't jump in and stop the fight, Lee would undeniably be dead right now. The fight after that resulted in some irrelevant guy winning and Pineapple's friend loosing. I really need to learn everyone's name soon. The proctor told us what the fights for the first round of the third phase would be. I was going against some guy named Sota, I really should have watched the fights, because I have no clue who that is. I looked for Neji's name, he was against Naru. I turned to Naru, he was looking at his name so intensely, eventually he looked over to me and gave me his big smile, which made me smile. Naruto had to win, for Hina and for me cause I did threaten this guy. Scratch the first part of that sentence, Naruto was going to win...

Hey! I was bored and thought, why not lets write a chapter. This didn't take as long as normal, but it still wasn't as quick as it may be for other authors. Please tell me if you find any errors or mistakes I missed. I luv u bros. Good night, or good day (whatever time you're reading this at) BAIII...

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