...Almost In Awe...(40)

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!!!Author: I'm going to explain my updates and shit at the end so if you want to know how many             months it going to be then uhhhh 0 hopefully!!!

Miyako POV

A cold breathe escaped my mouth, the desert nights wind freezing me to my core. "So... what ya doing?" Gaara just looked at me, his face had the expression of 'what' plastered over it. Sighing I just turned back to look out at the village. This boy had tried to kill me, tried to kill Lee AND been involved in an attack on the sand, yet here I am; sat on a roof with him. Slightly pivoting my head I looked at the boy. His skin was pale with a smooth complexion, printed on his face were two intrusive eyebags, predominately darkening his eyes, they still seemed cold; but not as cold as they were once before. Whatever happened in that fight with Naruto really seemed to change something within him.  "Do you need something?" Slightly taken aback by his raspy voice I flinched, I hadn't expected him to notice me looking. He had now turned to me and was staring at me, his facial expressions had barely changed but you could tell that he genuinely wanted to know why I was staring. I do not understand why this village is afraid of this boy, after all he is only human too. "Well?" I shook away my thoughts, "Sorry lost in my thoughts," I went silent for a moment, I looked at the redhead, do I speak my thoughts? Usually no, but there I went, "Why do you always seem so sad or mad?"

Gaara looked at me, genuinely surprised by the question, I can say I blame him it was a loaded question to just drop onto someone. He looked off for a moment. Had I crossed some kind of boundary? I hadn't intended to make him uncomfortable, I just wanted to know. "I've been like it since I was a kid," My thoughts had been interrupted, no way did he actually just answer that question, "my mum died young and I supposed I got the blame. The village implanted the One Tailed beast inside me and then isolated me for it. My uncle made me confide in him as a child just for him to turn and resent me. All of that combined with social isolation I would say." I just looked. at him, discombobulated from what he'd just said. While he had spoke his face remained the same, he showed no signs of sadness from speaking about it. He has been alienated and cast as monster by people his whole life; I can only guess thats why Naru influenced him. The two had been treated the same, but Naru got me. 

The silence had slowly thickened as I had let my thoughts run amiss. After a while, I finally turned to look at him,

Third Person POV

Miayko's body had twisted to look at Gaara, the boy had been quite perplexed by the girls arrival, not fully understanding why she had sat with him. His answer had not only surprised our protagonist but him too, he hadn't expected to be that honest with anyone, let alone a white haired dobe. Breaking the silence Miyako began to speak, "You know as a kid I used to think that people were always out for me and that I'd only have myself. I used to branch off from my family thinking I was better off by myself," I sighed and looked up. The night sky loomed above, stars dotted throughout,"but Gaara, as you probably know, its lonely. I never experienced alienation and I never experienced a whole massacre of my family, but I know what feeling alone is like. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone." She turned to him once again, he mind pacing wondering why she was saying what she was, "Gaara while you seem cold, while you have once before tried to kill me, despite all that; I'm here for you."

 The boy looked at her, almost in awe, she had tried to comfort him despite him being nothing but harsh and cruel to the girl. He looked at her with a softer expression before speaking, "Thank you Miyako." Miyako smiled with a yawn following not soon after, "Well Gaara, as lovely as this been, a girl needs her sleep." Patting off dirt from her thighs and knees Miyako stood up, now towering over the boy, "Goodnight." Gaara mumbled in his attempt to be a friendlier person. He hadn't really expected it to be audible enough to hear but surely enough it was. Miyako softly smiled before replying under her breath also, "Goodnight Gaara."

Okay, oKAY, OKay, I know my updates have been terrible. This is my first update since June, and its a little shorter as usually all my chapters are a min of 1000 words but for today I just want to get an update out. But the thing is, I have been thinking about this book as I often do, and I know where I want to take it, I always have. I just need to find the time to sit and write it. My mental health has been a lot poorer over the past year, and I'm finally getting it together, so hopefully I will be able to update more. Writing this book is one of the things I enjoy most, and even if it take years, I will eventually finish this, so please bare with me and try to not get annoyed. :)

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