Smile More(47)

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Third Person POV

Gaara lethargically opened his eyes, the room around him slowly becoming more defined and distinguishable. His mind was blurry, despite his best attempts to remember the last few hours, his mind only remained blank. Slowly he began to lift himself from his position propped up upon his kitchens chair, his eyes began to drift to his forearms. Firmly attached, two chakra seals clung to the red heads skin; confused, the boy peeled them off. His last memories were of Miyako persisting to find out if he trusted her, and yet he couldn't see her. Gaara began to look around the room before he spotted the white haired girl sprawled across the floor: her arms outreached and her her hair littering the surrounding floor.

Miyako yawned, the one tailed beast and the now embodied voice were not the most exciting company. Over the course of the night the girl had found herself yawning and daydreaming a significant amount more than other times. She knew that she only had to endure the awkward silences and death threats for one night- a night that seemed to continue forever. Yet she had stayed the whole night, listening to Shukakus insistent ramblings in the hope that maybe Gaara would get a night sleep. She began to asses the room, for the sixth time, in hope that something new had appeared; however, the room remained the same.

"How about a game?" The white haired girl asked exasperated. "What a stupid idea." Shukaku scoffed, a snarl evident on his racoon like face, "I agree." Miyako shot a glare at the black haired girl, "At least I'm trying, you've been living in my head for moths and haven't even told me your name." She crossed her arms to further her point, "Well all you had to do was ask," it was now the black haired girls turn to scoff and cross her arms, "it's Akuji." A small smile adorned Miyakos face, she finally learnt something about the voice, Akuji; now she just had to figure out why she could hear her.

Gaara looked down at Miyako. She seemed peaceful but he figured he couldn't just leave her on the floor, plus Temari would get be sure to lecture him. Hesitantly, he began to shake the girl in hopes to wake her up.

The room seemed to lightly shake, small debris bounced along with the room. "What's happening?!" Miyako asked becoming more alert. Shukaku just laughed at the girls naivety, "It's time to wake up stupid human." Miyako rolled her eyes, "You know that could have been said without the added sass."

He didn't know if he should continue to shake her or if he should give up, he had shook her for minute with no signs of her waking up. He went to position her against the table but without warning the girl shot up, a large inhale following. Her blue eyes frantically scanned the room as she tried to remember her surroundings, her breaths short and sharp. Finally her eyes landed on the redhead, "Did it work?" The boy returned her look with confused gaze, "Did what work?" Miyako sighed, "I tried to use my magic and chakra to help you sleep- but I guess it didn't work." Gaara nodded, processing the information and finally understanding the girls plan from the night before, "Well, I'm not sure. I don't really remember anything, I just opened my eyes and I was in the kitchen." Miayko looked at the boy with confused look, was he really this stupid? A Natsu like smile spread across her face as she stood up and engulfed him in her hug, "So it worked! I'm glad." Gaara stood limp in the girls arms, had he really just slept- and she really hugged him without sand intercepting? He turned his eyes and attention to our protagonist, no matter what happed this girl always seemed to manage and surprise him.

Miayko's POV

The two of us sat at the table for a minute or two; small conversation enveloping us we they discussed our nights. "So you met Shukaku?" Gaara asked, his voice was small but still came across as a demand. I nodded lightly, "Yeah," the one tailed was aggressive, rash and bloodthirsty, and I gathered that from just a night with him. I couldn't help but wonder on the things Gaara had been told by him."but, it wasn't that bad, I mean I'm still here aren't I?" The boy let out a small laugh, well a small exhale, and adorned a small smile on his face. He looked cute. "Thank you." I looked into the boys sea-green  eyes, he seemed genuine, I just gave him a wide smile in return. "Hey Gaara?" He focused his attention onto me, "You should smile more, it suits you."

The two of us decided to part ways within the house, I went back to Temari's room in hope that I would be able to catch a few hours of sleep; and Gaara went of to do whatever he does.

AN/OMG I KNOW I JUST PUBLISHED THIS BUT #23 IN THE CATEGORY GAARA! THATS WACK, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. I know I'm the most consistent author but I try to be, I've said it before but I do have plans for the direction of the book and the most important, in my eyes events of the original Naruto, so I just need find time to write. But thank you all <3

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