You Know For A Murderer... (33)

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Miyako's POV

Water. Thats what I remember. What I saw and could feel. Salty water. Tears. The border was down and so was the Hokage. Orochimaru had fucked off and left us, left a corpse. As soon as the border was down I remember running up to the Hokage, I grasped his hand and sobbed. I remember the last thing he said clearly while lifeless on the ground, "Miyako, remember what I said look after everyone and Naruto, they have potential and I believe they can make it."

Minutes can feel like hours, and you only realise that during events like these. I only wanted one person right now, Naru. He had gone off I think, to be honest I had not a clue, I had been too wrapped up in the situation. I needed to find him and sooner rather than later. How could I do this, I get lost myself how am I supposed to find someone else? Natsu. He could find him. Natsu's not here obviously but my magic is no longer being concealed. Sure it may strain me a little but I think its necessary. 

My hair turned to a calming salmon colour and my nose instantly flared up. It is always overwhelming using dragon slayer magic, smells are enhanced and become much more potent. This could be used to my advantage of course, using this I tried to lock on to the familiar smell of Naru. Seconds after I had found him, well the direction. Sending chakra to my feet I sped off into then direction of my flamboyant best friend.

Upon arrival, I found myself rather confused. Sakura was trapped by sand to a tree while Sasuke lay almost helpless watching something in the distance. I rushed over to Sasuke, "Whats happening, where is Naru?" He looked up at me almost in disbelief, I watched as he pointed to where he was looking.

I don't know how I didn't see it but there was a large beige raccoon fighting a fox. From the array of tails I assumed this to be the 9 tails, which meant Naruto and I'm assuming from the sand Gaara. And honestly, from the looks of it Naru is kicking ass.

I watched the fight unfold for a little until the two boys began to fall from the air. I panicked and rushed forward, creating a couple hand signs a clone appeared. I rushed towards Naru and wrapped my body around his so I would take the majority of the damage from the fall. My clone did the same for Gaara, I know he's the bad guy but that doesn't mean he deserves to be treated awfully after all he has probably just been played by Orochimaru.

"Miyako!?"Naruto exclaimed. I peeped my head round to look at him, "Yeah?" He spun round and gave me a big hug. "I'm so glad you're here I need you to help Gaara has trapped Sakura!" I looked at his distressed face and smiled, "You did good by your self, the sand fell just now, I'm assuming Duckbutt caught her." Naruto looked back to try and see if she was safe. "So what do we do with him?" Naruto gestured to Gaara who lay on the floor looking at Naru in amazement, probably trying to figure when he got so badass. I stood up and walked over to the red head. "Hey." He looked at me in the eyes, I could tell he was confused and as was Naru. "Hello." He said it in almost a whisper. I put my hand out to help him sit up, not only that we have no need to be fighting. I can only assume Orochimaru has done what he set out to do. "Why?" He said in a hoarse voice. "The fight is over. Not only yours but the villages. The kazekage wasn't really him it was Orochimaru, he used you and everyone from the sand to get his way. The way I see it theres no way to kick you while you're down." He took my hand which surprised me, his hand was warm and soft but still stern. It felt nice.

Despite everyones apparent discomfort I insisted Gaara stood with us while I explained what has happened. Everyone was shocked to hear about the Hokage, I was shocked myself to even say it out loud, I didn't want it to be real. I decided not to mention Orochimaru's reanimation Jutsu. He had bought the old Hokages back but the last one was never used and the old man was determined to keep it like that.

"Walk ahead." I said as Sakura, Duckbutt and Naru stood up. "You not coming with?" Naru asked. I shook my head and gestured to Gaara. We sat and watched as they walked away. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I looked over to him confused to why he asked such a thing. "Because its the right thing to do. Where I'm from we kind of end being friends with the 'bad guys'. Plus you interest me, I know you dislike me and rather kill me than talk to me but I'm not going to leave you here vulnerable in a forest." I looked over and for a split second I almost saw some warmth in his eyes.

I sat and waited for Temari and puppet boy with him. The conversation was minimal and if it occurred it was short. "Miyako?" Temari said as she came towards us. I just waved my hand and let out a, "Hey." She gave me a confused look, "Why are you here with.. hi-.. um- its not safe." I knew what she was trying to say, why was I with Gaara. I don't know what happened but they sure are scared of him. I stood up and dusted myself off, "Just making sure he gets home safe." I let off a Natsu like smile. "Well I'll be off, see ya. If you're ever in the neighbour hood come say hey." I began to walk off until I heard a quiet, "Thank you." I looked back at the red head and smiled softly. I looked at him in the eyes and said what was on my mind, "You know for a murderer you're pretty cute."...

HEYYYYYYY I updated sorry again, fucking regular updates my ass. Thank you all for the support tho

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