It Kinda Does. (25)

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Third Person's POV

"What to do, what to do?" Miyako muttered as she absently walked around the village. Usually she'd hang out with Naruto, but she figured he'd be training. Heck, everyone else probably thought she'd be training. Yet, here she was, no plan and nothing to do. Going to the library crossed her mind, but was quickly dismissed. After her last library session, she had figured out that she doesn't really absorb information from books, she needs to do it, or be shown it.

After another five minuets of no ideas, she stopped and looked up at the sky,thinking: why couldn't everything just be easy? Why does contacting her family have to be so hard? Why does it have to be so hard to be trained? Why is being a ninja hard? Maybe she just finds being a wizard easier because she's been doing it her whole life. But even the first time using her magic, she found it so much easier than all this chakra stuff. She frowned slightly at her last thought, she never really embraced her own magic. Sure it had gotten her far: gotten her to s-rank: allowed her to beat many opponents, but it was using other peoples magic. But then again it wasn't, either way she preferred to stick to the stuff she learnt, not what she "stole".

Looking around she tried to find somewhere she could chill for 1 hour 50 minuets. Eventually I found a building that looked like it had roof access. She entered the building, immediately making a b-line for the stairs. Upon reaching the top, she realised she wasn't alone...

Miyako's POV

The two people sat down spooked me a little. I walked a little a closer, trying to see who the were, it turned out to be pineapple, and someones name I do not remember/know. "Ugh, hi?" I said, this raised their attention. A little jump emitted from then, but they calmed down when they realised it was just me. "Miyako right?" The one whose name I don't know asked. Actually, I don't know either of their names, I just call one pineapple. Anyhow, I nodded in return then replied with, "Either I've never been told your guy's names, or I've just forgotten. But, can I get a reminder?" Pineapple let a sigh then spoke, "How troublesome, I'm Shikamaru Nara and he's-" He was cut of by the other guy, "I'm Choji Akamichi!" He sounded a lot more enthusiastic than Shikamaru. I smiled then introduced myself again for some reason, "Miyako Strauss, but you already knew that. Also, Shikamaru why does your hair look like a pineapple?" He looked at me after I said that. He had a sort deadpan look on his face, clearly not amused by my question, Choji on the other hand was chuckling. "It does not look like a pineapple." I scoffed, "It totally does." His narrowed even more, "It really does not." I gave him a patronising look. Choji decided to add his input, "It kinda does." This made me and him laugh, why Shikamaru just looked middle pissed.

I ended up sitting down with them, sharing small conversations, most of the time we were cloud watching. If someone were to ask me to go cloud watching, I would normally say no, but it's calming. I understand why people do it. These two are some much more chill Naru, I mean sure half the time its silent, but it's a comfortable one.

After a while, I sat up and asking what the time is, turns out neither of them have a watch. "I'll see you guys around, I have to go train." I said standing up. "Oh yeah, you're in the third exam." Choji said, food in hand. In the time I've been up here, he's eaten quite a bit. I nodded in return, but then something hit me, turning to Shikamaru, I asked, "Aren't you in it as well, why aren't you training?" He sighed and rolled his eyes, "I could ask you the same thing, but I'm not training because I can't be bothered, it sounds so troublesome." I sighed, "You seem to say that a lot." He rolled his eyes once again. I waved goodbye as I opened the door to the stairs.

I reached the old man's office after a hike up those god darn stairs. I knocked on the door, less out of breath than I was last time, those stairs are a good work out. A raspy "Come in." signalled I should go in. You are welcome for the definition of come in, free of charge.

Is it to late to go into someone who is not an idiot.

No,no, you can go whenever you want.

I physically can't. Wish I could.

Are you ever going to tell me what you are?

All in due time.

Jee, thanks. The Hokage was giving me a weird look as I was just standing at the door. I walked into the centre of the room, asking a question, "So, do you have someone to train me yet?" He chuckled in a deep tone, well his tone, but thats a deep tone.

Wow, you're just being so helpful today.

Shut it. "Well, Miyako, I have got someone to train you. He was going to be training Naruto, but he's got someone else now." Right, lets find out who this is. I nodded, signalling him to continue, "I believe you two are aquatinted, it's Ebisu." Who in Mavis' name is that? The "Ebisu" came through the door, and that is when I realised who it was. "You're trying to get me, a twelve year old female to train with this closet-pervert. Great idea, love it." I said sarcasm dripping from my words. The Hokage sweat dropped and repeated my words, "Closet-pervert?" I nodded vigorously and spoke again, "Naruto used his sexy jutsu, and this guys nosebleed put Niagara Falls to shame." The Hokage looked confused again, "Niagara Falls?" Right, I'm not at home, no one understands my references. Anyway, I replied with, "It's a waterwall, don't worry about it. But I'm not training with a pervert, and if I recall you fell for that jutsu. I wonder how the village would feel about a pedi Hokage, I mean he's the same age as me." The Old Man, semi-glared at me. Finally he said, "Ebisu you are dismissed, Miyako, I'll find someone else to train you." I gave him a big Natsu smile and put my thumbs up.

Whopo, whoop, an update, praise the lord. Hope you enjoyed, have a good day, or night. Bai.

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