...But I Respect You. (32)

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Miyako's POV

I don't know why I came here, yeah surely health and everything is fun but I am hella curious to how that fight is going. I can here the occasional sounds of a fight and honestly I wish I went there. I don't know why but a deep pit has began in my stomach, something inside tells me something is going to happen. To put it simply I am worried. It's Sasuke thats worrying me really,  that thing on his neck and the origin of it. I find it all too convenient per say. That man who gave him the mark. They could take on Naru, Sakura and Sasuke but couldn't get through to the prelims, and then the sound they attacked the team too, the way Naru explained it made it seem like a series of misfortunate events; but the more I think into it, the more that pit grows. Something tells me all of this was a planned attack and that Orochimaru guys plan wasn't just to give Sasuke a hickey, something tells me that was just one of many phases. 

My thoughts continued to fester as I walked out of the infirmary, out of habit I thanked the nurse and just left. I don't know why but I feel like I need to talk to the old man. I began to walk towards his viewing box. I don't know why but I began to pick up the pace, eventually coming to a run, something told me time was ticking.

I busted the door open, "Old man!" Both him and who I presumed was the Kazekage turned to me. The Anbu tried to stop me and grab me, but the hoarse "Stop." made him freeze on the spot.

Third Person POV

The Hokage had heard the patter of footsteps coming to the door, this made it no surprise to him when the door was burst open by Miyako. Something was different about the normally bubbly and frivolous girl, her eyes showed that she was worried and scared. The old man wasn't sure why but this concerned him. 

The room stayed silent for a second until Miyako spoke out, "I think the village may be in danger." This took back everyone in the room. "Why would you say that Miyako?" The Kazekage asked, Miyako gave him an almost backwards glance, "I don't think Orochimaru's only intent was Sasuke, tensions with the sound and even the sa- em-" Miyako's eyes darted to the Kagekage quickly, the old man noticed this. "That doesn't mean we are in danger." The Hokage said trying to ease the girl. Miyako shook her head violently, "Old man don't you see?!" As he was about to reply their attention was brought to the battle field, Sasuke had shown what he had learnt over the month, Chidori. It was undeniable that the whole room was impressed but it didn't disperse of the tension. 

Sasuke's hand had pierced Gaara's defences, and from looking about you could see everyone was amazed. Miyako's eyes darted to the only peoples reactions she cared about, Temari, Kankuro and the Kagekage and Hokages. The siblings were shocked as well as the Hokage, Miyako expected this; but the Kazekage looked almost impressed. Miyako clocked onto something, this man was Gaara's father. Her eyes narrowed as she began to think, why would he be impressed of the downfall of his own son, from the little Temari told her he always had pushed Gaara. The fight continued to mesmerise everyone as Miyako began to think.

"Old man, thats not the Kazekage.!" Miyako stated. Tensions were high everywhere, in the room, in the stands and in the battlefield. The Hokage and Kazekage shared a glance. "Orochimaru I presume." The Kazekage stayed silent for a second before saying clearly, "Shall we..." A click followed and a thick smoke enveloped the arena. 

Miyako's POV

I knew it, this guy wasn't the Kazekage. Three giant snakes were now in the area and the Hokage was held with a Kunai against his neck. "Let him go!" I stated loud and clear. Seconds after the three of us were bordered into a box, we were trapped. 

The "Kazekage" began to monologue for second before peeling his face off. It was now clear, he was Orochimau, as I predicted. I knew this all seemed too planned, and now all I can think is shit is about to his the fucking fan. I began to listen in again, Orochimaru was speaking, "Because... You will die here the third." My blood began to boil and my temper began to rise. I lost control for a split second and rushed forward, my leg propelling my foot into the arm holding the kuani. Almost in sync, the Hokage jammed a kunai into his palm. I landed with both feet next to the Hokage.

"Miyako get out of here." The old man ordered. "I can't, in case you can't tell I'm trapped in here along with you." He sighed, "Then stay back and don't do anything like that again." I looked up to him, "No! I'm not prepared to sit back and watch you get hit. You're the Hokage! Sure you may be a little old and not as involved in the action as I'm sure you once were, but I respect you. You have more to live for and more the teach. So you will be damned if I sit on my arse. If I am able to I will fight to protect the ones I care about." The old man looked down at me fondly and ruffled my hair. His eyes looked happy and slightly scared. He looked away from me and his demeanour changed, "Raise the border Orochimaru." Orochimaru chuckled before signalling something to the four holding the border up, before I knew it I was on the outside looking in. 

"Why?" I shouted while banging on the border. "Because Miyako, you have more to live for than me, look after the village and Naruto." and just like that he turned away from me and was dead set on Orochimaru. This man, he had made such a large impact on me already and I hardly knew him, I felt my eyes water and I instantly knew someone in that border was going to die...


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