...Mission Mid-Mission... (41)

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Miyako's POV

If you had asked me to describe the sand before my journey I'd have nothing to say, but now if you'd ask me I'd say hot. A little too hot at times. I'm sure its not one of the hottest places to every exist sure, but compared to the temporal temperature of the leaf and Magnolia, I really wasn't prepared for this heat. 

I'd been in the sand 1 day, I had left the leaf 3 days ago and scarface told me I had week. So I had about 2/3 days to repair connection between the two nations. I looked round my to see the letter on the side; Scarface had instructed me to read it to whoever was in charge. Walking over I picked up the envelope and stuffed it in my pocket.

Upon leaving the inn I was staying in, a new found gust of heat blew into my face. I really didn't understand how the people here can handle this heat, quite frankly I've been here less than 24 hours and its already beginning to piss me off. Sighing, I shook of the heat and walked forward deeper into the city of the sand.

Compared to the leaf, the sands structure was much more organised, housed and buildings were placed in ways which made navigating the sand slightly easier. Alas, I still had to ask for directions; turning to the closest person I asked, "Excuse me, do you happen to know where the- um whats it called- Kazekage! Yeah wheres the Kazekage office?" The sand villager turned to me, clearly taken aback not expecting to be asked a question. The women soon processed and smiled in return, giving me directions.

I was unsure who to expect, the Kazekage from the chunin exams was Orochimaru, and I'm pretty sure he killed the actual one. So from my understanding the sand was in a similar position to the leaf, both with no active village leader. In my head, it shouldn't be hard to gain the sand as an ally once again, after all they were the ones who committed the misdeeds. 

The building to the Kazekage was blocked by stairs, similarly to the one in the leaf but far far less stairs. The door in front of me was grand and towered over me significantly. I knocked on the door before hearing a male  'Enter' from inside. I opened the door to be met by a man who I assumed was in his 40s covering or taking the position of the Kazekage. Also in the room was the sand siblings stood to the side of the room. "What is it child?" He asked in a harsh tone, it didn't sound spiteful just semi-degrading. "I'm form the leaf, I've been sent to try restore the bonds between our nations from the whole exams fiasco, yanno if you remember that." The man looked at me, disinterest predominately spread across his face. Whoever put this man in charge made a poor decision. The silence thickened for a moment before I remembered Scarfaces letter, drawing it from my pocket I opened it up and began to read it out loud.

Third Person POV

Miyako was stood in the office reading off a semi-crumpled piece of paper. She was talking about how the leaf wanted to repair the relationship, the stand in Kazekage listened until our protagonist finished reading before speaking, "The sand will forget all that has happened and return to a positive outlook on the leaf, on the condition our trust is gained." Miyako looked at the man with a face of confusion, "What do you mean 'until trust is gained'? Your village is the one that attacked." The man scoffed, "Well little girl, following the death of the previous Kazekage, we need to be more precautious." Miyako internally scoffed to herself thinking of how this man was an idiot . 

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" She asked just wanted to get it over and done with. The temporary Kazekage looked in thought for a minute before answering, "Join this team on a mission, the three will keep an eye on you decide if they trust you." Miyako just looked at the man with a face of really, "So you want me to go on a mission mid-mission to gain their trust?" The man nodded in return which resulted in a deep sigh from Miyako. "Okay now that that's settled, your mission has been briefed to these three. Now leave my office." The four genin were used out of the room, instructed to begin their mission..

Another shorter one but, at least its an update, I promise I'll try to get out more too:)

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