...Kakashi, The Old Man, And Him (31)

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Miyako's POV

Intensity. Now that was the word I would use to describe them. Them; the sea green voids into what could only be described as the epitome of loneliness, anger and even a slight hint of sadness? I knew deep down that I should be scared of him, after all he had tried to kill me not even that long ago, around a month ago to be exact. My fear wasn't even in a mile radius as I stared into his eyes, if anything I found them oddly calming. The different emotions almost appeared as a whirlpool in his eyes, making them only that more hypnotising to me. I don't think he realised how pretty his eyes really were.

My stare was broken as I was ushered out of the arena. It was the first time in a good 30 seconds that me and him actually broke the eye contact between us. My hair was normal and as normally the repercussions followed. I don't use my magic too much, as I have mentioned before I do not feel quite right using it, I don't feel as if it is my magic. My magic was undeniably strong but there was one drawback, and from using Natsu's magic my stomach burned and gurgled. Gray's has no altogether affect on my body, normally it would just be an overall cold temperature if I used it for excessive amounts.

I began to walk, until I hit a crossroad. One hallway lead to the stands where Naru had a seat prepared for me next to him, or there was the other way which lead me to the nurses. I really wanted to watch the fight between Duckbutt and Gaara, but the pain I felt needed to be treated. Reality had hit me about 3 minuets ago, so at this point every cut, scratch and bruise on my body was beginning to sting and hurt.

I sighed and turned left. My bare feet pattered against the cold surface. I looked down at my feet, where exactly had my shoes gone? Thinking back to it I assumed it was from when I used Gray's magic. Using his often resulted with a shoe, sock or coat coming off. I guess that was to be expected when gaining the strippers tendencies.

The thought of Gray and Natsu made me think, how was everyone at home. I missed them so much and really wanted to see them. But now thinking on it, I hadn't really been trying. To be completely honest, I hadn't even looked at that book again, last time I saw it was in that shabby room. A twang of guilt hit me, what must they be thinking at the guild. They probably assume that I was relentlessly searching for a way back home or that I just didn't want to come home. The truth was neither was the case, I wanted to go back to everyone, they were my family and I did really miss them; but Naruto, Hinata, everyone... they had a place in my heart now. Im not quite ready to let go of them yet, I want to stick around and be with them. I sigh, this isn't all that important right now, I need to focus of these fights. I need to be in better physical shape than I am right now. I need to prove my self to everyone: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, the old man, and him.

Him, I didn't know him at all. He may not be nameless or faceless but he was something else. A different aura surrounded him and I wanted to figure out why. I Miyako Strauss swear to find out what is the deal with the crimson haired controller of sand, Gaara. And that is a promise...

"By God! You do have quite the temperature don't you now dearie?" The nurse asked with astonished eyes as she looked at the thermometer. "Hmm, oh thats quite normal after using my magic. I'm not here to do with that, I feel like my stomach is millie rocking and I feel pain in every inch of my body." The nurse looked at me a little confused, "Millie rocking?" Ah, must just be from my world then, "Don't worry about it, but anyway not sure if I just took a beating or if my endorphins aren't being produced properly." The nurse nodded, she seemed more comfortable on the topic of anatomy and medical things.

After a while me and the nurse had finished our little chat and heal up of me. She had done extremely well, the pain had minimised and was now only a sting of pain every so often. It was bearable and that was all that mattered. I has been hearing all the noises of battle in the room and honestly I was a little jealous that I wasn't there, felt a little alienated from all the action.

I could only wonder how this fight was going. I hate to admit, and I never will to him, but Duckbutt is undeniably strong. Fortunately for him he has the bite to back his bark. If you asked me though he didn't have to be such a dick about it; yeah sure you're strong but that doesn't mean you have to be so negative. He brings Naru down all the time and honestly that just pisses me off, Naru don't deserve that hatred and honestly its mostly false. Naru is a lot stronger than Duckbutt gives him credit for, I wouldn't say it to either of them but a part of me says that Naruto would have a fighting chance against Sasuke. Well maybe not at the moment, but at the rate Naru is improving and learning at, I'd say maybe in like a month- maybe two.

I realised my mind had drifted a bit. The fight right now wasn't between those two. It was Duckbutt and Gaara and honestly I don't know who I think will win. Gaara is strong and he doesn't hesitate I can tell that just from his demeanour, seeing him fight has also helped me see that. I can't remember if Duckbutt saw him fight Lee but something tells me that he may have realised he is way in over his head here. Nether the less I genuinely hope he does well and progresses. But also some part of me hopes for the opposite....

Soz about the late update I am legit trash. <3

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