...Here Comes The Counter Attack... (30)

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Miyako's POV

<About 1 month and 15 days ago, The Hokage's Office>

"So what, I have to wear these things? Like always?" I asked while fiddling with the new 'accessory' on my wrist. The Hokage sighed deeply and looked up from his desk and met my eyes. I don't know how I didn't see it at the time but there was warmth, kindness and worry buried within the depth of his iris. "Yes Miyako, its for your safety; and the interest of the village." I must have given off the confused vibe as he continued to explain, "If people found out about your magic you would be hunted and sought after, concealing it now is the most tactical move we can do." I scoffed lightly, while I saw where he was coming from I still wanted my magic. "What old man, don't think I have it in me to defend myself?" He could tell from the tone and the smirk on my face that I was joking, "Now Miyako no one said that, you are a fairy tale wizard and from the last time I checked that title held something behind it, but now you are also a ninja of the leaf. You must not only trust in your magic but also your chakra. While having no magic may seem like a disadvantage think of it as an opportunity to learn." I smiled fondly at the man in front of me, despite not being here long I had grown rather accustomed to him and our almost daily chats. "Alright then, I need to block the magic out anyway to practice chakra, if anything this just helps I guess." He just chuckled a little and ushered me back to team 7. That man radiated the same vibes Gramps did.

<Currently, Chunin Exams, Arena>

"What's with the smile brat don't you realise you're going to loose this, willingly or not." Sota smugly proclaimed. I hoisted myself up from the position I had taken and looked him dead in the eye, "Well because your laughably wrong." His face scrunched up with anger and confusion, "Oh please do share then punk, how am I wrong? As far as I can tell Ive beat you left, right and centre." I scoffed at this and decided this was the moment to act really cool and act like I meant to get beaten to a bloody pulp. It would be like Natsu and Gajeel's GMG fight where they just flipped it and owned them. I began to take steps forward, as I did this I felt more energy come to me and my cuts began to sting less and determination filled all 157cm of me, from head to toe to  my fist. "Now you see buddy, those cuffs down there, they were your chance. Now they are gone, so is your chance. While it may have seemed like you barbarically beating a child, I analysed. I know your stance, your attacks, your foot patterns. Mavis, I even know how often you breathe. So you have two options, give up or get ready because here come the counter attack and I'm not holding back." Sota looked at me, squinted his eyes then began to perform his jutsu.

His chakra nature was quite clearly water, so I had to find a way to prevent him from well utilising the water. From what I gathered he requires a body of water to have offensive and defensive attacks, that means no water no attacks. I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, it was time to get serious. I felt the air around me whistle and caress my skin, the temperature dropped and I felt myself cool down. I opened my eyes no more than 1 second after closing them, my white as snow hair had morphed into a black abyss. This change told me all I needed to know, my magic was in the works and this meant I had a plan. 

His hands connected together signifying a jutsu was to come, I knew which one he was going to use, and I needed him to. Water began to fill up from seemingly nowhere. Sota smirked from above the water. I gave him a coy smile and performed my own "handsigns". This was a plan to put the ice queen himself to shame.

Third Person POV

Everyone in the crowd was silent. The girl had changed the appearance of her hair, while some believed it to be a transformation jutsu others thought it meant something else. Naruto felt a breath stuck in his throat, it refused to come out. He was worried for his best friend, he only hoped she could back up the bark with bite. Sakura despite not having the best relationship was also worried for the girl. Kakashi tried to remain cool and collected but inside he was a ball fo nerves, he had high hopes for Miyako and only hoped that now she had her magic she had a plan to her help not only win but survive. Sasuke gripped the bar ever so more tightly, he was trying to act nonchalant and as if he didn't care but even part of the emotionless duck was worried and hoped for the best. None of them knew of the power moves the girl was about to make...

Miyako finished her "handsigns" and suddenly all water in the arena froze, thick ice covered the whole grounds. Miyako looked up, she seemed to have lost her shoes but she didn't notice, phase one of her plan had gone accordingly. Sato looked around confused and mad, "H-how did you do that? Where did that come from?" Miyako didn't reply only smiled and released her magic, returning her hair to its original colour. 

She had options for her next move and she wanted to make sure she didn't mess up. She knew the ice wouldn't be melting anytime soon, so that limited his water based attacks. While mid thought, an unexpected gust of fire headed her way. Her hair instantly erupted to a baby pink colour and her eyes a glistening onyx colour. Instead of moving like everyone expected she stood her ground and inhaled. The fire began to enter Miyako and her stomach, she always loved the original feeling of this but not the aftermath. 

Full up from the fire, she charged forward with a flaming fist, Sota dodged only to be hit by a flaming kick. Miyako inhaled, ready to unleash the next attack, "Fire dragon roar!" A stream of fire spitted at the man. As the fire disputed he stood there, weakened but still afoot. Miyako charged forward launching multiple fire and normal attacks, he would dodge some but majority landed and were thrown with the intention of harm. 

The man stood weakly, clutching his right arm with his left and his breaths being being in short exasperated gasps. Miyako knew it was time to end the fight one and for all. She concealed the magic and created a clone of herself. The clone cupped her hands together and offered it to out protagonist, she hoisted herself up and flung into the air. With a boost she soared through the air, slightly spinning. As she reached Sota she realised she didn't know if she was going with a punch or a kick, undecided she went with neither and delivered a whiplash causing head butt. And not a second later he fell to the floor, still alive but badly injured.

The proctor walked over, surprised. He looked at the large man and then to the girl. Much to his and everyone else surprise he said words he didn't think that he would be saying, "Miyako Strauss has one the fight, Sato Kurosawa can no longer fight." 

The crowd burst into cheers from the unexpectedly heated and intense fight. The girls friends cheered loudest out of everyone. Miyako didn't look up to anyone, she looked at the man on the floor. She began to step towards him. He looked up and was shocked to find a small pale hand reached out towards him. Begrudgingly, he took her help to get up and looked down at the girl. Before either of them could say anything a nurse rushed over and took him away. Miyako took this chance to look up at the crowd. She imminently saw the bustling ball of energy that was Naruto cheering and jumping about for his friend. The smile that had formed on her face diminished as she locked eyes with a certain red head...

So yeah, I updated, I know it could be better and everything, but. tried guys. Im not too good at writing fights so sorry about that, having a whole like 2 chapters to write about a fight seemed like it was gonna be hard. Well anyways its summer so expect some ok-ish updates. :3

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