...Less, Murdery (42)

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Miyako's POV

"Sooo, whats the plan?" I asked, my body hovering above the ground. The and siblings and I had went on our mission. Currently, the four of us were all huddled behind surprisingly large bush. The place that we had been sent had a sinister vibe to it. Ivy clung to the eroded stone bricks, each competing to see who could get the highest. Despite my original thoughts of the building being derelict, I could tell that was wrong. At the door was a seal on the door, unlike everything else the seal looked almost brand new. "Are we at the right place?" Temari asked, looked down at the map in her hand, confusion evident on her face. "I think so, I've not had many encounters with seals, but the one on the door looks recent." Temaris head tilted to look at the door, her face flicked with understanding before turning back to us. "Kunkuro, go get it off." Kunkuro scoffed before standing up and walking over. From a distance the three of us watched as he did some hand signs before ripping it off the door. Within a second the once debilitated structure shifted its appearance to a much more modern and well kept version of its self.

Before coming the sand siblings had run the mission down to me, maybe in the worst way I've been briefed on anything. All they told me is, and I quote, "Yeah we just need to follow this map to the place, and get this thing." Now I had many questions, why, what and can I go get some food first. But alas, none of my questions were answered as we rushed away from the sand.

In the distance we could see a corridor branching off from the entrance. The corridor itself was dimly lit, the walls unlike the exterior had not been refurbished, cracks and moss dominated the surface. The floor was dark in colour, the stone which was once a well kept polished grey was a shadow of its former self, with every step you took on it, the sticky overlay would fight to keep my foot on the ground.

We stumbled across a fork in the road, at the end the corridor branched off into two more identical paths. "We should probably split up." Kunkuro said looking back and forth between the two paths. "Should you, Miyako and I go this way? And Gaara can go that way." Temari said. "Why don't we just split up into twos doesn't that make more sense?" I asked, confused. Why would we do it three and one. "I just thought Gaara would prefer to go alone." We all glanced at the boy. The boy who hadn't said a thing. The boy who now I realise forgot was here. He proceeded to just look at us and say nothing. Assuming he didn't really care either way I spoke again, "Okay cool, uh Temari you go with Kunkuro." Temari looked at Kunkuro sheepishly and nodded almost as if she was debating if leaving me with Gaara would be good. The two split off and began walking to the left.

Third Person POV

"Kunkuro do you think that was a good idea?" Temari asked her brother while looking back towards the way they had came. Kunkuro paused for a second in thought before responding, "I think they'll be fine. Sure Gaara was a bit unpredictable and rash before, but I think he's changed." In their heads they both had been thinking this as of recent. Since the Chunin exams their younger brother seemed less, murdery.

"Why didn't you just go with them?" Gaara asked as him and Miyako walked down yet another dimly lit corridor. "Oh so he speaks!" She say raising her hand to her face in a dramatic way, "It just didn't make sense to split up a group of four into three and one." Gaara just nodded in a way of understanding. Yet, the red head didn't understand this girl, he had tried to kill her once and attacked her another time yet here she was, again. He found the girl had some kind of magnetic pull to her, he had found that she just keep turning up. "So what is it that we are looking for?" Gaara looked to the voice, "A scroll." Miyako rolled her eyes, dissatisfied with the answer, "So whose little lair is this?" Looking forward now, he replied, "We believe it to be Orochimaru's ,from before he killed the old Kazekage." Miyako nodded, in her head thanking a higher power for making this mission more exciting. The boy continued, "We think when he impersonated the Kazekage he took a scroll." Miyako thought for second,"So this is a retrieval mission in a way?" He nodded in reply. 

Finally the two arrived at a door. It was worn down but still functional."Can I kick it in?" Miyako asked, stars in her eyes. Gaara still looking at the door shut her down, "No. We are supposed to be unnoticed." Miayko scoffed, "Boring." The red head rolled his eyes and opened the door. On the other side of the door was something neither of the two had really expected, "Grease boy?"

Wizard To Ninja? (Fairytail and Naruto)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt