Well, who cares? Because I don't! (6)

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Miyako's POV

I looked at Naruto, we just had the hug session in front of Naruto's second home, who am I kidding it's probably his first. He had a somewhat mischievous smile on his fcae, it made me happy, yet also slightly worried as to what was going on in that idiotic mind of his. He turned his to look at me with said smile and said, "Hey Miyako we need to take our photos for our ID thingy." I sweat dropped at him calling it the ID thingy, but I'll let it slide. 'Well that's because you have no idea what it is called either!' A rational smart part of me said, I chuckled nervously then remembered that Naruto asked me a question so I nodded as an answer. He chuckled almost manically then told me his ingenious plan to paint our faces. "Simple yet good, I'm proud Naruto." I complimented.

So yeah you know the whole picture thing well... now me and Naruto are getting a lecture, its quite boring... "Miyako are you listening!" The old geezer asked -no- shouted. I sighed then sheepishly itched the back of my neck, a habit of mine I guess. He sweat dropped and rolled his eyes. All of a sudden, a kid came rushing in shouting, "Fight me!" I can only assume he meant the old man. He came running in so good but then he tripped over nothing. Me and Naruto simultaneously sweat dropped. He turned to Naruto and said, "You tripped me over!" Naruto scoffed and was cut off by a man with glasses in all black came rushing in. When he entered he looked at the kid on the floor and then turned his concentration to Naruto. I could read him, his eyes showed it all, his thoughts. He was thinking about he didn't like Naruto, I don't understand why though, Naruto's great. Anyway the guy shouted, "That's the third Hokage's Grandson!" Naruto who know had the kid held in his hand looked surprised for a split second and the kid said, "Ha, I dare you to hit me. You won't now that you know I'm the thirds grandson." And of course Naruto had to say something back, "I don't care if the third was your grandmother!" and then he hit the kid.

Me and Naruto walked around the village. I could feel that kid following us, I don't know if Naruto feels it though. Eventually, Naruto caught him with his terrible hiding skills. The kid said something about Naruto being his boss and teaching him the sexy jutsu, huh guess I missed that because I wasn't paying attention when he did the jutsu. Anyway, the whole boss thing went straight up to Naruto's ego making it twice it's size. Trust me that could be bigger than the whole village. I chuckled at my own joke only to catch the attention of Naruto and the kid. I need to find out the kids name, unless his name is kid, that would be weird. "Is that your girlfriend boss?" He asked. "Girlriend?!?" Me and Naruto exclaimed at the same time. We started laughing hysterically at his comment. Me and Naruto, no, that would be weird. "No kid, ego maniac and I are not dating." I cleared up which resulted in a 'hey!' from Naruto.

 Naruto, the kid and I spent the whole day going around the village helping the kid learn the jutsu and helping Naruto get some new bruises. Although the kid got a hit from he as he said that they should of just examined me. Now the three of us are sat on a log.

Third Person POV

Naruto, Miyako and the small kid sat on a log having a refreshing beverage. "So what is your obsession with your grandfather?"Naruto asked, Miyako nodded to show her interest too. Said kid looked down then began to speak, "My grandfather named me Konhanamaru after the ancient name of the village, so it should be easy to remember. But no one calls me that name not one person in the village. That's because when they look at me they don't actually see me they see the honourable grandson of the Lord Hokage. No one knows who I am." He narrowed his eyes then continued, "I can't stand it anymore, it's like I'm invisible. Like I don't exist. I hate that, that's why I've got to become Hokage now so people know who I am." His fists were clenched. "Get real you think people are going to accept squirt like you?" Naruto asked rhetorically. "A kid can't just turn into a Hokage after a day or two." Naruto continued, not without a 'What' from Konohamaru, "It's not that simple you keep saying 'Hokage, Hokage' to really become a Hokage do you know what you'll have to do?" Konohamaru looked eager to know and said, "What, what is it." Naruto began to look smug then said, "You're going to have to defeat me in battle."

Konohamaru declared Naruto and himself rivals, then he turned to the white/silver haired girl and said, "And when I'm hokage you will be my girlfriend." Said girl raised her eyebrow, she doubted that what happen but chose not to ruin the moment. Seconds later, Konohamaru's sensei came and said some pretty harsh things about Naruto. Miyako was furious but decided to stay out of it for now. Instead, Naruto and Konohamaru worked together and used the shadow clones and sexy jutsu to make him well, be a pervert. Miyako sweat dropped at it, but was smiling at the same time.

Once the guy was gone or whatever, no one really bothered to notice where he went but Naruto and Konohamaru had a moment then the kid ran off leaving the two friends by the log they sat on not so long ago. "That was a nice thing you did today." Miyako complimented, Naruto flushed in embarrassment but brushed it off then nodded. " Naruto can I ask you question, you don't have to answer, but you know it would be nice." Naruto looked at his friends and said, "Go ahead. " Miyako's hair whipped in the wind and the wind uncovered her beautiful sapphire eyes. She took a deep breath then asked, "How did you get a head band?" Naruto sighed and began to debate either or not to tell his closest friend about the beast inside him. "I fought Mizuki, he told me to take the scroll, so I did. I learnt the shadow clone jutsu and beat him. Iruka gave me his headband, but Mizuki told me that I have the nine tailed fox inside me. It attacked the village on the day I was born, the forth Hokage died sealing it inside me." Naruto half expected her to run of scared for her life but was pleasantly surprised when he felt her arms wrap around him. She was hugging him a lot today.

After a mini hug out, Miyako turned to her blonde friend and said, "Well who cares? Because I don't! You are my friend and nothing can change that, I like you because of what you're like not because the breast inside you. You're kinda like a brother to me." Naruto's eyes widened at the words his friend spoke. He felt the same way and he was glad to have such good friend. "I want you to promise to never get down about what the villagers tell you because when you are sad I am sad too. I care about you a lot and value you." Naruto smiled his first friends was great and he was glad to have her. But of course the moment had to be ruined as Naruto pointed out his friends inability to speak, "You said breast, not beast." Miyako flushed red and exclaimed, "Way to ruin the moment, that never happened, OK?" Naruto laughed and nodded, Miyako soon join his laughing.

The two shinobi were unaware of the old man who was watching the two through a crystal ball with soft eyes. He was glad that Naruto had such a good friend. He also knew Naruto's parents would be proud of their son. The two hugged one last time before parting ways. I small smile crawled onto the Hokage's senile face.

WOOOOO, a new chapter and its quite long I really didn't know what to do for the start I wanted to do the cushy moments but the rest I just winged it. Sorry if I get stuff wrong. Naruto is not mine bleh bleh bleh..., BAIIIIII and I kept the breast part ;)

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