I nodded my head in understanding, "Well, whatever happens, we're all here for you."

She smiled in thanks and the bell rang as we all separated and made our way to our classes. Surprisingly, however, the day seemed to fly by rather quickly and I was joined by Claire, Justin, Victoria, Damon, Elena, and Margot at our table in the back by the windows. It was times like this that I missed having Leo in school with me especially when everyone was loved up and I was forced to deal with high school alone while Leo worked. I really missed Leo.

I decided to text Leo to soothe my aching heart. I mean, I didn't see him for a couple of weeks and yesterday was the only day I got to see him, which wasn't nearly enough so of course, I missed him.

I sent him, high school sucks without you :( to which he replied a couple of seconds later, Life sucks without you, but seriously who made you feel this way so I can take care of them.

I rolled my eyes at his overreaction before typing, no one, I just miss seeing you at school is all. Any way you can come over tonight? I saw the little texting bubbles before his reply showed up, Of course, I'll be there sweetheart, anything for you and I miss it too, but at least you have your very own sugar daddy now ;) Let me know if anyone does anything to you baby. I love you.

The smile on my face grew as I replied with my very own, I love you and turned off my phone to bring my attention back to the group.

"Who are you texting over there?" Claire asked me, raising her eyebrows up and down.

I rolled my eyes, "The love of my life."

"Leonardo will be happy to know you called him that," Damon said laughing and I felt a blush appear on my cheeks.

"Don't raise his ego anymore," I joked back as everyone laughed.

"You know he's in an important meeting right now," Damon replied, as I widened my eyes.

"Why did he respond then?" I asked confused. I could've waited for his reply.

Damon rolled his eyes, "He doesn't care. If it has something to do with you that is his top priority, everyone knows that."

An even deeper blush covered my cheeks as Elena squealed, "How romantic!"

As everyone laughed at Damon's confession about Leo, no one noticed a very angry Vince storm up to the table.

"Are you fucking kidding me Victoria? You're with Damon now?" he screamed, bringing unwanted attention our way. Damon sprang into action, standing in front of Victoria.

"Calm down Vince, you don't want to do this here," Damon tried to calm him down.

"Shut the fuck up Damon, this doesn't concern you. This is my problem with that whore that you're protecting behind you," Vince seethed and that was when I jumped up as well.

"Watch your mouth, Vince, leave us alone," I said getting in his face as Damon pushed me to stand behind him.

"Vince stop, we're not together anymore. I don't know why you care so much," Victoria stepped up, her voice low in an attempt to stop the unnecessary stares.

"Is that what you think? Victoria, honey, get this through that thick skull of yours, you're mine and you'll always be mine," Vince said condescendingly.

"She's not a piece of property asshole," I defended Victoria, standing in front of Damon now. He desperately tried to move me behind him, but I shooed his hands away. I wasn't scared of Vince, for hell's sake, my boyfriend is the Don of a mafia.

Vince tsked in a mocking way, "Oh Aria, you try to play innocent, but I know you're just as much of a whore as the rest of your little friends. Leo would probably be better off with someone else, someone who isn't such a slut."

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