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why are you up at 3 am?

why are you up at 1 am

can't sleep
now why're you up

i had a bad dream and woke up
now i can't get back to sleep :/

i'm sorry baby

it's okay
why can't you sleep?

i get a lot of night terrors

oh that sucks

yea it's whatever tho
how long have we been texting each other?

like 3 or 4 weeks

and we still haven't called each other?

i didn't even think about that

i bet your voice is really pretty 🥺


i'm not soft

if you use this: 🥺
you're soft
sorry i don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️

okay never mind i don't wanna call you if you're gonna disrespect me like that

no no no
i wanna call

say i'm not soft

but then i'd be lying

i'm not soft :/

fine fine
you're not soft


can we call now


incoming call from billie...
accept or decline


"hey mama." she rasped.

"okay, but like, your voice is really hot. wow."

she laughed. "and your's is pretty, like i thought it would be."

"you think so?" i asked.

"oh, baby, i know so." she said.

i felt my cheeks flush slightly. i could handle her calling me baby over text, but over the phone with her hot ass voice? i can't do it.


"really." she confirmed. "so, what made you decide to text me at three in the morning?"

"i... i don't know." i shrugged, stopping halfway through after realizing she can't see me. "i didn't think you'd be awake if i'm being honest."

"well i pretty much never sleep, so." she dragged the "o" out in "so."

"damn. how that's going for you?" i questioned as i put my phone on speaker. i laid it on my pillow and then laid down on my side.

she sighed. "if we're being honest? pretty shitty." she chuckled.

i frowned. "that sucks."

"it's whatever. don't worry about it, mama."

"you sure?"


it was silent for a moment before she spoke again. "you wanna know what i've always wondered?"

"what have you always wondered, bil?" i asked, genuinely curious to know.

"when we all fall asleep," she stopped for a second. "where do we go?"

i thought about it for a moment. "i'm not sure. i mean, i've never really thought about it, i guess."

"no but, like, when you go to sleep, what's happening? oh it's your brain stems thinking about thalalala. no." she ranted.

i laughed. "i don't know. google it."

"but how does google know?" she asked.

we both let out loud laughs. i covered my mouth though, not wanting to wake the twins up.

"also, why do we eat if we just poop it out?" she asked.

i let out another laugh. "well, we don't digest all of it. we use some of it for energy." i explained it, being as simple as possible because i did not feel like going into detail about this at three in the morning.

"damn, you didn't have to flex on my homeschooled ass like that." she sighed.

"that explains it." i teased.

"hey, what's that supposed to mean?" she asked loudly.

i laughed. "i'm just messing, dude, chill. honestly, i wanted to homeschool because everybody at my high school were asses. but by the time i realized i did want to be homeschooled, i couldn't be."

"man fuck them. you graduated already, right?" she queried.


"then you don't have to see those assholes again. you don't have to talk to them. so, fuck 'em."

"i mean, i still see a lot of them since i live in a pretty small town. but you're right." i smiled softly.

"that's the spirit." she cheered.

"you're such an idiot." i laughed.

"well if i'm an idiot, then you're an idiot too."

"i can deal with that."

she laughed at that.

"i like your laugh." i stated randomly.

"you do?"

"i do."

"well," she started. "i like your's too. it's pretty cute."

i bit back a smile, feeling my cheeks become hot.

it was silent again for a bit. it wasn't awkward, though. it was a comfortable silence. i felt my eyes start to close. not wanting to fall asleep just yet, and wanting to keep talking to her, i started talking. "what made you want to start doing music?"

"well music has always been apart of my life. like, ever since i was little. i used to think music was just apart of everyone's lives like it is in mine. it's weird to me that it isn't." she explained.

i nodded and listened as she continued. eventually, though, i felt my eyes close against my will and i fell asleep.

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