Christmas Eve Special (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

Lissy- "Your being unfair. How do you know that Grace didnt do it"

Dad- "Did you see her open the gifts"?

Lissy- "No but she could've done it still"

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Lissy- "No but she could've done it still"

Dad- "She was with us outside when you were inside"

Lissy- "She could've gone inside, messed up with the gifts and then come back outside with you guys knowing"

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Lissy- "She could've gone inside, messed up with the gifts and then come back outside with you guys knowing"

Dad- "Then explain to me why I found you by the gifts when we came in"?

Dad- "Then explain to me why I found you by the gifts when we came in"?

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Lissy- "I was fixing them Dad. Why don't you believe me"?

Dad- "Considering you've lied to me multiple times in the past doesn't help you out a lot"

Dad- "Considering you've lied to me multiple times in the past doesn't help you out a lot"

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