Drunk Dean ||dean x reader fluff||

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Lol I haven't written in like, a long time and this is gonna be short and dorky. Sorry not sorry.

There were exactly 162.5 tiles on your bedroom ceiling.

You know this because Sam and your boyfriend Dean had been out drinking for hours and you were laying on the floor trying to quell your boredom.

It wasn't working.

You let out an exasperated yell and fumbled for your phone. Just as your fingers finally settled on the cold glass, it started loudly buzzing. You bring your phone into view, smiling as Deans smiling face signaled a FaceTime call. You accept, immediately being greeted by a dirty diner ceiling and the tips of Deans messy hair.

"Babe?" You ask, causing Dean to lean forward into the screen and beam at you.

"Y/N! Baby! I miss you so much!" He rambles, cheeks flushed and eyes unfocused.

"How much have you had to drink, De?" You sigh. He simply holds up four fingers and a napkin, not answering your question. Sam leans forward and fills you in, still very sober. As Sam is talking to you, Dean leans forward and scoops up the phone, bringing it very close to his face.

"Do you want to know how fucking perfect you are, y/n? Look at this pie." He says, scooping up a very messy piece of apple pie. "This pie is delicious. I am enjoying it SO much. For you, I'd drop it. Watch. It's gone."

Before you or Sam can say anything, Dean chucks his pie as hard as he can at the diner wall, immediately followed by noises of anger and surprise from other patrons.

"Dean what the fuck was t- oh god, the owners coming over here. Fuck dude you're an asshat. Y/n we gotta g-" the call cuts as Sam hangs up the phone. A few minutes later you get a text from Sam, telling you they got kicked out and would be home in 15 minutes and that Dean was singing cartoon theme songs.

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