Ch. 3 Morrison

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So y'all voted again! I got two votes this time! Thank you, both of you! So here's the next chapter!


Chapter 3 - Morrison


"You should have been more careful." I heard a gruff voice state, then I felt a pinch on my stomach making me jolt a little. Why does my body feel so heavy? I can't open my eyes, or move my mouth! Feeling trapped inside my own body and not being able to do anything, I resigned myself to my fate and relied on my hearing to figure out what's going on.

"She jolts like that again and I could puncture something. Come hold her still until I'm done." The gruff voice said.

"You know Morrison, it's her fault that I had to send the babes on their marry way. We were going to stay up and play all night." A voice I recognized as the man in the alley replied. I listened as what sounded like footsteps started to approach me. I sensed a presence looming over me and then felt shocks as warm hands started to apply pressure to my shoulders.

"Listen Dante, I don't give a damn about your personal life. You were suppose to be doing a job, not getting drunk and messing with women. You need to learn that there's a time for everything and that time is not when you're on the job." The guy, Morrison, I think he's called, said. Then I felt another pinch on my skin and I swear I heard a growl from the man holding my shoulders.

"Yea, well the thing seemed to be after her anyway. She saved me the time of having to track it." Dante? replied.

"But why was it after her? I think it won't be the only one. You need to keep her close to you. I think she'll be in real danger if she goes off on her own." Morrison said. I felt the weight of my body ease up and become bearable again. My eyes jolted open when I felt another pinch and I flew up. I looked down to see three giant tears in my stomach, thread and a needle sticking out of the first tear, which was only sown halfway.

Seeing my stomach and the condition it was in caused my breathing to get heavy and panic build up in me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and tore my eyes from my stomach to look at the person touching me. He looked to be in his forties with greying hair and a mustache.

"Calm down, we aren't going to hurt you." He said in I guess was supposed to be a consoling voice, but it only increased my panic and I started flailing about and trying to stand so I could run for the hills.

"Dante! I thought I told you to hold her down!" Morrison says and jumps from his stool, that was seated next to me, and tried to catch my flailing wrists. "Why aren't you helping! Hold her down, calm her, whatever! Just get her to stop moving!"

I heard a sigh come from behind me and it was then that I felt the cushion on the couch I was laying on, dip and strong muscular arms wrap themselves around my waist. I stilled at the electrical pulses that were now getting sent throughout my entire body.

"Thank god. Now just keep her that way until I'm done." Said Morrison.

"How long could this take?" Dante asks.

"About an hour or two." Replies Morrison.

"Then let me get into a more comfortable position." I was lifted up slightly and a leg was placed on either side of me, before arms placed themselves back around me. I was afraid. I have no idea who these people are and the one holding me from behind I couldn't see. But for some odd reason I feel myself getting wet, just by his touch and it scared me that someone could make me feel this way so easily. I've never fallen for a man and I'm scared that I might be falling for this man. This man who I don't know, that I can't even see the face to. But this man who also sends electricity through my body at the slightest touch. What the hell is wrong with me?

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