Ch. 8 Makes So Much Sense

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Ch. 8 - Makes So Much Sense


"That actually makes a lot of sense." I spoke my thoughts out loud. Me being his mate would explain why he can't keep his hands off me, and why I get tingles every time we touch, and also why I almost give in every time we kiss. All of this makes sense.

Dante gave me a strange look before plopping his frustrated self on top of his desk.

"Why would this make sense to you?" He questioned. He kept his eyes on me as I leaned back in his chair and crossed my legs, moving some of my hair out of my face.

"I mean isn't it obvious?" I stated, staring back at him. He raised his eyebrows in a 'what' sort of way. Wow, is he stupid sometimes or what? "You obviously have problems controlling yourself around me and try to get into my pants whenever a chance arises."

He chuckled and then smirked at me. "No babe, that doesn't mean you're my mate. It's just my nature to get a good looking girl naked and in my bed."

That stung a little. Am I ever going to find a decent guy? I can't believe that I gave this douche my first kiss! Wait a second, I haven't seen him bring girls back since I've been here, why is that?

"You're lying." I said with a straight face. I have come to the conclusion that he isn't telling the truth.

"Why would you say that?" He asked. His smirk got bigger and he moved off his desk, slowly walking towards the chair I am sitting in. Butterfly's set off in my stomach as I watched his shirtless gauze wrapped torso come closer and closer. Hold it together, Bentley. His body is just so breath-taking though!

"Because you haven't brought a girl over since I've been here." I said. "So either you're loosing your touch and girls don't want you anymore or you're lying to me."

"Hmm, it could quite possibly be the second option." He answered unclearly. This confused me.

"So you just want me? Or you don't want to deal with girls at the moment?" I said, my breath catching in my throat when he stopped in front of me. I blinked several times, trying to focus and not get distracted by him. But, all focus left my mind when he kneeled down in front of my knees and placed his hands on my thighs. I shivered and sat up straighter in the chair.

"It could quite possibly be the first option." He stated unclearly once again. I couldn't respond though. Dante's hands moving up and down my thighs paralyzing me. It felt good. "Maybe I haven't been bringing girls around because you fascinate me. Maybe I am curious as to why my body reacts when I'm around you and how my demon gets harder to control. Or quite possibly, I like the way you feel against me." He stroked back up my thighs. This time not going back down. "I like the way you make me hard and you don't even try to." One of his hands moved to the inside of my thigh and up higher and higher till he was cupping me through my shorts, squeezing slightly. I let out a moan and lifted my hips. I don't want this, but then again I do. I can't help it. I met Dante's lust filled eyes with my pleading brown ones. "And quite possibly, I like the innocent faces you make." He started rubbing me through my shorts, slowly but firmly. "I'll bet you've never even seen a cock before, have you?" He asked.

My shyness took over and I put my head down, creating a curtain to hide my face using my hair. I shook my head, barely. He must of saw it cause he chuckled.

"No need to get shy, babe." He moved the hand that wasn't rubbing me and pushed my hair out of my face. I peeked at him through my eyelashes and watched as he grabbed my hand and brought it to the bulge in his pants. My eyes widened and he let out a loud moan. "You get me so hard." He moaned. He rubbed me harshly through my shorts and watched me as I started to pant. This isn't right. I'm not supposed to be doing this, but I want to. No, no! Stop Bentley!

I blinked my eyes multiple times and pulled my hand away from Dante's pants. I then preceded to knock his hand away from my private area. Dante looked up at me with surprised eyes, before a smirk overtook his features once again and he stood up.

"That's also something I like about you, Bentley, you keep rejecting me." He then without warning picked me up and flipped us around, so now he was sitting in the chair with me straddling his lap. As I came down on his lap our privates pressed against one another and we both moaned. I glared at him for doing that and he gave me an impish grin.

"How do we keep ending up in this position?" I asked. He shrugged and a perverted smile graced his features.

"Don't act like you're irritated by it. I know you like being on top of me. And, quite frankly, I'll allow you to dominate me as long as I can have you." He narrowed his eyes at me. I made a disgusted face and tried moving off his lap; only to have him grab my hips and pull me to him.

"Maybe Lady was right." He said and then let his head fall back and closed his eyes. Is he falling asleep? His snoring answered my question. He must still be tired because of the wound. I sighed and tried getting off his lap once again, but his arms wrap tighter around me and pull me closer to his chest.

So instead I sat there and studied his features, not that I haven't seen it all already. I watched his face and sighed.

"We're a mess and it's only been a couple of days since we met."



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