Ch. 14 Black Out

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Chapter 14 - Black Out


Walking through the doors of work, everybody stopped and stared at Dante. Yep, you see, everyone here is female, and Dante is super hot, so why not stare. I'll tell you why not, because he obviously came through that door with me!!!

An annoyed look crossed my face as I watched every girl look Dante from top to bottom. I looked to Dante to see him with a smirk on his face, looking around the room at all the women.

'Are you fucking serious!! You kissed me less than an hour ago!!' I screamed at him in my head.

Rolling my eyes, I slammed the door in Dante's face and high-tailed it to my office. Yes, I have my own office, I'm pretty high up in my line of work. I turned to close the door to my office, and as I was about to shut it completely, I saw Dante stalking toward it from the corner of my eye. He had a confused look on his face, and it only made me angrier with him.

I closed the door the rest of the way and sat behind my desk, trying to catch up on my work. But, you see, I couldn't focus. I was too angry. That asshole better not come in here acting like he doesn't know what he did wrong!

Finishing up the third set of documents on my desk, I heard the door creak open and then close again.

"Hey, babe, what was that for?" He said, as if he didn't already know!

I looked up at him, trying to act natural and keep my temper in check. "I don't know what your talking about." I spoke through gritted teeth, controlling my temper was never one of my strong suits.

"Obviously, you do, especially if you're talking like that." He replied.

I took a deep breath, crossed my arms, and sat back in my chair. "Get out." I said simply. "I'm behind, I need to focus on my work, you're a distraction. Get out."

Dante moved from his position by the door and took a seat in one of the chairs on the other side of my desk, sighing. "Bentley", he stated calmly, and my heart fluttered at the sound of my name coming from his lips. Those soft but rough lips that I kissed about an hour ago. But, apparently, it didn't mean anything to him. "If I did something wrong, just tell me."

And told him I did.

I shot up from my chair, making it slam back against the wall, tears threatening to spill over. "You want to know what's wrong, I'll tell you what's wrong!!! Not even a fucking second ago, you were kissing me on the street!! And then when we get here you immediately start checking out other women, not even thinking about how that might make me feel!! So what is it, huh?? Are you playing with me, is that it?? Am I just a game to you?? Am I not pretty enough??!! Does any second of all those intimate moments we've had mean anything to you??!! Or is all this just one-sided and all you're looking for is a good fuck?!! Because if that's the case the you've got the wrong woman!!" I started gathering my stuff. I'm not going to even let him give me an answer. I ran out the door, leaving a wide-eyed Dante and unfinished work in my office.

Everyone was looking at me with wide eyes as I headed for the main door. I needed to get out of here, I needed to be alone. As I was reaching for the door handle of the main door, I heard heavy foot steps chasing after me.

"Bentley!" Dante called. But I didn't plan on stopping, I opened the door and ran through, running down the stairs.

The tears were running down my face and blurring my vision, and in that moment, I was falling, falling down three flights of stairs.

"Bentley!" I heard Dante shout one last time, before my body gave out and my vision went dark.


My body was numb, I couldn't feel anything. My eyes were dark, I couldn't see anything, but I could hear. I could here everything.

"Beeeentley." I heard a girlish high-pitched childish voice call, yet I couldn't move my head to look at her or open my mouth to respond.

"Ooooh, Bentley!" She called again, in a way that made it seem as if she was toying with me. The voice was no where near soft and gentle, the exact opposite actually. It was harsh and cruel.

"Can you hear me, Bentley!" The voice went from the little girl tone to that of a man, growlly and deep. "You can cant you." It stated. "Open your eyes."

And like a puppet under the control of its master, my eyes opened, and what I saw made me feel fear that I've never felt before in my life.

Red and black eyes, stared down at me from above. The same red and black eyes from the painting. It was also the same little girl who got torn apart by the demon summoners, only to have her body possessed. Her face was so young and innocent, but those eyes were cruel and dead.

"Can you see me now?" Her voice was a mix of both the little girl voice and the demons voice. "You've seen my past. You've seen what happened to me." It stated. I couldn't respond, still unable to move my body. Not that words would of come out anyway.

It smiled a sinister smile. "You know who I am. I know who you are. What a prize it will be to see his expression, especially after his betrayal to his own kind." She put her head in my neck and inhaled my scent while whispering, "What a prize, indeed."

I watched as it retracted it head, only to have its long sharp fingernail replace it. I felt a searing pain as it carved something into my neck, all the while humming a mutated unhappy tune. But I couldn't scream. I couldn't scream from the fear, and I couldn't scream from the pain. I was as stiff and unmoving as a rock.

Once it was done carving, it brought its mouth to my ear. "Sweet dreams." It whispered. And once again I was in darkness.



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