Ch. 17 Growing Frustrations

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Chapter 17 - Growing Frustrations


Bentley's POV


I awoke, still on the couch, to snoring in my ear. I guess the marking takes a lot out of both of us if it's able to knock him out too.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud open mouthed snore in my ear. My face scrunched up at how he was basically sleeping like a walrus. He was almost on top of me, his arm and leg wrapped around me. He gave one more snore and, just like that, I couldn't take it anymore.

I rammed my elbow into Dante's rib cage as hard as I could. He grunted before opening his eyes and putting his hand on his now sore ribs.

"Baaabe." He said in a whiny sleepy tone. "Why did you do that? That hurt... kind of."

I narrowed my eyes at him as he yawned in my face, his morning breath getting blown right in my face, and guess what it smelt like: alcoholic beverages.

This ass hole didn't fall asleep because of the mark! Oh no! He fell asleep because he was wasted.

"Get your walrus sounding, whiskey breathing, semi-truck weighing self off of me!" I raised my voice with every word.

He let out a groan and held his head, he obviously had a hang over.

He dropped his head into the crook of my neck, breathing me in and then letting out a sigh. "But I want to stay laying here with you." He said batting his eyes at me, trying to look all innocent. "Don't be mad at me because I drank a little after you passed out, I was thinking of you the entire time."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. He glanced down at my body before meeting my eyes again, an innocent smile spreading across his face.

I looked down at my body, my face turning red in anger when I saw I was just in my bra and panties. This drunken bastard stripped me while I was unconscious! I looked back up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Where are my clothes, Dante." I spoke through clenched teeth. This bitch better not of touched me while I was sleeping.

As if sensing my thoughts his face changed to horror. "No, no! God no! I didn't fuck you when you were sleeping! You were sweating all over the place so I assumed you were hot so I took your clothes off, and then you started moaning my name in your sleep and moving your hands like you were trying to find me so I laid down with you and sometime after that I passed out! I didn't try anything, I swear!" There was a pause before he continued. "Though I did want to."

And that was all it took for me to explode, though I was kind of grateful that he took care of me while I was unconscious, that last comment ruined the moment.

I let out a small growl before pushing him over the side of the couch, making him bang his head on the coffee table in front of the couch. I watched him go down with a smirk plastered on my face that got bigger when he put his hand on his head while saying 'shit'.


I just wanted to give yall something. I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry, I have been busy running between work and painting my room! I'm sorry! The next chapter will be longer, I promise!


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