Ch. 7 Patch Work

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Dudes! Why is Dante so freaking hot??!!! I wish there was a game that you could date fictional characters on, just type in a code and date as many as you want. What's your favorite Devil May Cry game? Mine is the 3rd game.


Ch. 7 - Patch Work


I carefully rolled Dante off of me, making sure he wouldn't hit his broken arm on the pavement too hard. I turned toward the direction the car sped off in to see it's already out of sight. Did that bastard really just drive off after hitting someone? Anger flared within me and made me want to figure out who was driving so I could beat the shit out of them. I started shaking with rage and turned back around to face the unconscious Dante on the ground. Taking in his injured state only resulted in me getting angrier as I grabbed onto his good arm and started dragging him back into his shop. I probably wouldn't have been able to do this if I wasn't angry.

I huffed and grumbled as I pulled his body across the hard wood flooring, not paying any attention to my surroundings and tripping over the very shoe I had hit Dante with. I let out a yelp as I started falling backwards and released my hold on Dante's arm out of instinct to catch myself. A thud echoed throughout Dante's shop as his upper body hit the floor and my rear end made contact with the wood.

Pain shot up my spinal cord, since most of my weight landed on my tail bone, causing me to let out a groan. My anger was long forgotten as bruises started to set in. I looked over to where I had dropped Dante to see his good arm stretched above his head and his shirt slightly pulled down exposing his collar bones and the muscly line between his pectorals. I couldn't help but stare at his partially exposed chest, nor could I help the little bit of drool that escaped from between my parted lips. Look, Dante is hot, and seeing a little bit of his chest, even just the itty bitty glimpse I was getting, made his hotness meter sky rocket. I slapped a hand to the side of my face. Did I really just think that? Oh the horror!

I crawled over to Dante's limp body and analyzed his injuries. Besides a broken arm and some cuts, he had a deep slash going from his left shoulder all the way down to his right hip bone. How the hell did that even happen? What, did that car have a saw strapped to the front of it or something? I'll think about that later, right now I need to get him patched up. It was the least I could do. The man saved my life.... again.

I stood to my full height, wincing at the pain that came with straightening my back up. Taking ahold of Dante good arm once more, I tried dragging him over to the couch. The key word being tried. You see, I wasn't angry anymore and therefore didn't have the strength that I had when I pulled him in here.

I yanked on his arm, trying my hardest to move possibly 300 pounds of pure lean muscle. But every time I would pull my feet would start slipping from underneath me and I probably looked like someone trying to keep upright on slippery ice.

After a good five minutes of my failed attempts to move him, I tossed his arm down in irritation. If I couldn't move him then I was just going to have to fix him up right here in the middle of the floor. I walked into his bathroom and rummaged through his cabinets until I found the alcohol and gauze. Walking back over to him, I thought through the different steps this procedure would take.

First, cut his shirt open and then remove it completely. I would need a knife, I highly doubt Dante kept scissors. I started to rummage through Dante's pockets until I pulled out a knife that was like a foot long. Staring at it in amazement and slight intimidation, I timidly cut his shirt in half.

I could feel my face heating up. I couldn't believe my eyes. This mans entire body beats just having a glimpse. Oh my gosh, he's beautiful! I think I'm about to have a nose bleed, he's so fine. He's like a guy you would see in a male stripper poster, just way better.

Holding a hand to my nose just in case I really did get a nose bleed, I went about pouring the alcohol on the wound. Reflexively, his back arched off the floor from the stinging sensation that came with pouring alcohol on a wound. I stuck my hand flat against his stomach, reveling in how his abs felt against my palm, and pushed his body back against the floor. Alright I admit, I may have just done that to give me an excuse to touch his muscles.

I then began to wrap the gauze around him. It was harder then I thought it would be, seeing as I had to get it underneath him, but I managed. I pulled it tight over his wound and placed the clip in place so it wouldn't unravel itself. Now all I have to do is wait. I mean, I can't move him so I can't put him somewhere more comfortable, so I'll just have to wait for him to wake up.


It has been about two hours of me sitting behind Dante's desk, simply staring at him and waiting for him to move. And just as I myself was about to fall asleep, Dante decided to bolt upright, which only ended in him giving a moan of pain and placing a hand on his bandages in confusion. I didn't say anything, just waited for him to notice me.

When he did look in my direction, his confusion only seemed to intensify.

"Did you do this?" He asked, standing up and walking over to me.

I looked up at him as he hovered over me and nodded my head. "Yea."

He nodded his head up and down, and examined his bandages. "Nice." Was all he spoke before looking back up at me with a flirty grin. Wow, can he never be serious and not flirt. "Can I give you a thank you gift." He suggested, wriggling his eyebrows.

I raised my eyebrows at him, before a smirk of my own crawled onto my face. He is gonna be irritated with me after I do this, but if it gets him out of his flirty mood, who cares. "Yea, you can tell me what the hell happened. Where the hell did that car come from? And how the bleep does it put a gash like that into you?" I questioned.

"You just can't stop asking questions, can you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Fine." He huffed, probably because he didn't get to give me his thank you gift... good. "It wasn't a normal car. It was a demon."

I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a dumb look. "Are you yanking my chain? Why would a demon want to look like a car?"

"I've fought a demon that looked like a motor cycle. I don't know why they choose to look like that and I don't care to figure it out, alright." He sighed. "You are by far the worst girl I have ever hung with."

"Quit being a big baby." I spat irritatedly. I'm starting to think I should of left whenever he was passed out.

"And Lady thinks you're my mate. We're nothing alike and you drive me crazy."

"What did you just say?" I asked with wide eyes in shock.

"Lady thinks that that demon in the alley was referring to you being my mate. Like that would ever happen, we're not compatible." He said. But I stopped listening after the first part. My hand was placed under my chin as I thought about what he just said. That would actually explain so much.



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